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How to Authenticate a Solaris 10 System as a Member of the CSCF Active Directory

This document outlines how to fully authenticate a Solaris 10 server against a Windows 2003 based Active Directory such as is used by CSCF for the School of Computer Science.

For the unindoctrinated, this exercise involves configuring client-server communications for to separated and different protocols.

  • LDAP: Used for user account lookup within the Active Directory
  • Kerberos: For authentication of user credentials
The Solaris host must be able to talk to the Active Directory properly on both protocols, otherwise authentication of users will not work.

Preparation On The Active Directory Side

One Time Configuration Of The Active Directory

Extend The Active Directory Schema

To perform the outlined schema extension you will require the following.

  • The installation disk set for Windows 2003 R2 Server.
  • Enterprise Admin or Schema Admin rights to the Active Directory.
  • Local login access to the Schema Master domain controller within your Active Directory.
    In the case of CSCF, the Schema Master is currently elisa within the CSCF domain.
In order for the Active Directory to handle accounts management of Solaris users, the schema must be extended to include RFC 2307 account attributes. These additional attributes permit the storage of necessary Solaris user information, such as uig and gid, as part of an Active Directory user account. This change also ends the need for maintaining such user information in the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files on the local Solaris host.

Most documentation on this subject speaks of upgrading all Active Directory domain controllers to Windows 2003 R2 (the second release of Windows 2003). However, we discovered that it is not necessary to fully upgrade our Windows 2003 domain controllers to version R2. One can separately 'prep' the existing schema to include the needed RFC 2307 attribute classes ( posixAccount and posixGroup). These classes carry the desired schema attributes for UNIX integration:


'Preping' the schema is done on the schema master server by running the command adprep. This command can be found on on the second disk of the Windows 2003 R2 server installation disk set CDDRIVE:\CMPNENTS\R2\ADPREP\adprep.exe. To prepare the AD run

adprep /forestprep

Domain controllers must then be systematically rebooted in order from this update to be in full effect. All domain controllers in our forest reboot themselves automatically once per week.

Allow Anonymous Read Of Active Directory LDAP Information

To perform the required Active Directory security changes you will require the following.

  • Enterprise Admin or Schema Admin rights to the Active Directory.
  • Local login access to the Schema Master domain controller within your Active Directory.
  • Domain Admin rights within the domain where user lookup is to take place.
One problem with a Solaris LDAP client is that it is highly dependent on a BindDN name. This means that the account used for LDAP binding cannot be moved within the Active Directory without breaking the LDAP client's ability to read the Active Directory. There is also the issue of retaining these LDAP binding credentials on the Solaris system. Therefore, we want to separate LDAP binding from any specific DN. The most obvious means is to allow anonymous LDAP lookups.

In Windows 2003 anonymous LDAP access of the Active Directory is disabled by default and must be enabled. This is done using the ADSI Editor snap-in for the mmc.exe console tool on the schema master server. Right-click on ADSI Edit and make two connections:

  • Connect to the forest root domain (
  • Connects to the CONFIGURATION for the forest root domain.
    It is the Configuration we wish to explore but the domain connection must be achieved first.
Find the container CN=Directory Service,CN=Windows NT,CN=Services. Right-click on the Directory Service container and select 'Properties'. Find the dsHeuristics attribute and edit it such that the last numeral in the seven digit number is a '2'. If the entry is not set at all then set it to read 0000002.

Once this change has been made on the schema master it will take 10 to 20 minutes for it to propagate to every domain controller in the forest. But then all the domain controllers will permit an anonymous bind to LDAP. Although, at this point, you will still not be able to read any object attributes.

To read user attributes such as uidNumber, permissions for the ANONYMOUS LOGON must be set upon Active Directory containers or organizational units where anonymous lookup is to be permitted. In our case these locations are the Users and Unassigned OUs in the CS-GENERAL domain ( ou=Users,ou=CS,dc=cs,dc=uwaterloo,dc=ca and ou=Unassigned,dc=cs,dc=uwaterloo,dc=ca respectively). We took care to ensure that special accounts like domain admins and kiosk accounts are not located within these OUs and so cannot be accessed using an anonymous LDAP bind.

In the case of the Users and Unassigned OUs, we added an ANONYMOUS LOGON entry to their Security properties. This entry is first granted Read permissions, then under Advanced one checks to see that ANONYMOUS LOGON has 'List Contents' permissions in addition to what Read provides. These permissions must be applied to 'This object and all child objects' - that does not get set by default.

Enforce TCP Protocol For Kerberos Connections

Due to legacy issues, kerberos communicates using UDP by default. However, the size and complexity of information supplied by a Windows 2003 domain controller is often too large for UDP packets to handle. UDP is also connectionless, so packets can be lost and never recovered - very bad. For these reasons, it is recommended and, in our case, essential to force relevant domain controllers (KDC servers) in our domain (kerberos realm) to only use TCP for kerberos.

Initially, this need only be done in the AD domain in which you are joining the Solaris host. But over the longer term, all domain controllers in the forest should be converted in this way.

The procedure for configuring a domain controller to use TCP for kerberos is outlined in the following Microsoft web document.
Simply, it requires creating/editing a DWORD registry value called MaxPacketSize and setting it to the value one (1) in the following registry key for each domain controller in the domain.


The domain controllers must all be rebooted (not all at once, of course) for this change to take effect.

Populate The New Attributes For A Few Test Users

Solaris will not login a user unless it can determine his uid, gid, homedirectry and loginshell values. Since we will be configuring the Solaris host to look for these values in a user's Active Directory account and not locally, it would be a good idea to manually enter these values for a few users so that login may later be tested.

On a domain controller, use the ADSI Editor snap-in of the Microsoft Management Console ( mmc.exe) to manually populate the new attributes for each test use. Remember, the new attributes you wish to add info to are as follows:


Active Directory Setup For Each Solaris Host

Create A User Account For The Solaris System Within The Active Directory

To create such a user account you will require the following.

  • Domain Admin rights within the domain where the new Solaris host will be a member.
This account will act as an authentication service provider to be used by the Solaris host's kerberos client for user authentication. Kerberos clients utilize a kerberos service principal name (SPN) to locate such services within their kerberos realm. Therefore the appropriate SPN will also need to be mapped to this account. The mapping will be done in the next section.

Unlike a Windows or a Macintosh system, a Solaris machine account must be manually created within an Active Directory domain. This account will be used by the Solaris host's kerberos client for the purpose of user authentication. Account creation for a Solaris host may be done using the Active Directory Users and Computers tool from an Active Directory management system such as a domain controller.

It is recommended that this host account be a user account and not a computer account (or object) which is commonly created for Windows, Macintosh and SAMBA systems. For our purposes, this account will be named computername-host, enter this name into the User logon name and Full name fields when you create the new user. Creating the account, you will be called upon to set an account password. Set this password sufficiently complex and take note of it since it will be required for the creation of the Solaris system's keytab file in the next section of this document.

Now enter into the account properties and select the Account tab. In account characteristics, enable 'Do not require kerberos pre-auth', especially if time synchronization between the Active Directory and the Solaris host is not as yet established. Also ensure that the account is enabled, does not expire and that its password does not expire or require a change upon next logon.

Under the General tab, it is a good idea to fill in the Description field. For example:

  • Kerberos host principal for Solaris host _FQDN_for_computername_

Create A keytab File For The Solaris Host

To complete keytab creation and installation you will require the following.

  • Domain Admin rights within the domain where the new Solaris host will be a member.
  • Super User ( root) access rights to the new Solaris host.
Now that the host account for the Solaris system has been created, we must perform the following tasks.

  • Associate a host service principal name (SPN) with the Solaris host account.
  • Create a keytab file which carries encrypted credentials for the Solaris host's SPN.
Both these tasked are completed with the following command issued at a command prompt on a domain controller in the domain where the Solaris host is intended to authenticate.

ktpass -ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL -crypto DES-CBC-MD5 -princ host/FQDN@Kerberos_Realm -mapuser Domain_Name\hostname-host -pass complexpasswd -out c:\temp\krb5.keytab

where Domain_Name is the NetBIOS name for the Active Directory domain,=Kerberos_Realm= is the uppercase of the Domain_Name, FQDN is the fully qualified domain name of the computer, hostname is the fqdn with truncated at the first dot, and complexpasswd is to be substituted with the password that was set when the account was created in the previous section.

Recall that the domain has the NetBIOS name of CS-GENERAL with the requisite CS.UWATERLOO.CA Kerberos realm.

Now return to the account properties for computername-host and select the Account tab. The User logon name entry should now have changed to be that of the account's SPN as specified in the ktpass command above. The ktpass command will also generate a keytab file for the Solaris host in the location specified by the -out option. This keytab file must then be securely transferred to the Solaris host and placed at the following location in the UNIX file system.


Preparation On The Solaris Host Side

Configure The Solaris Kerberos Client

To properly configure the Solaris host's Kerberos client you will require the following:

  • The keytab file created in the previous section of this document.
  • Super User ( root) access rights to the new Solaris host.
The Solaris Kerberos client is used by the Solaris host to authenticate a user against a Kerberos realm account. In our case the realm is actually a Windows domain within CSCF's Active Directory. The domain controllers within the Windows domain also function as Kerberos servers or KDCs.

We start by placing the Windows generated keytab file from the previous section into its proper location: /etc/krb5/krb5.keytab. Security on this file should be set such that read rights are limited to its owner which must be root.

Next, prepare the Kerberos client configuration file ( /etc/krb5/krb5.conf) on the Solaris host. Below is a sample of the krb5.conf file used for authenticating Solaris hosts in CSCF's CS-GENERAL domain (the CS.UWATERLOO.CA Kerberos realm). The Kerberos configuration is very similar to that used for a SAMBA server (ADAddSamba) but there are some additional components.

  • Admin and password servers for user password change are specified for the CS-GENERAL domain ( CS.UWATERLOO.CA kerberos realm).
    We could add the Admin and password servers for other domains but this is not required for this exercise.
  • Strict verification of host identity is disabled due to UW's unorthodox DNS domain space.
    • verify_ap_req_nofail = false in [libdefaults]
  • We also wish to ensure that the kerberos client only communicates using TCP protocol.
    • udp_preference_limit = 1 in [libdefaults]

/etc/krb5.conf (complete):

#pragma ident   "@(#)krb5.conf  1.2     99/07/20 SMI"
# Copyright (c) 1999, by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# All rights reserved.

 default_realm = CS.UWATERLOO.CA
 dns_lookup_realm = false
 dns_lookup_kdc = false
 ticket_lifetime = 24h
 forwardable = yes
# default_tkt_enctypes = des-cbc-md5 ; or des-cbc-crc
# default_tgs_enctypes = des-cbc-md5 ; or des-cbc-crc
 verify_ap_req_nofail = false
 udp_preference_limit = 1

   kdc =
   kdc =
   kdc =
   admin_server =
   kpasswd_server =
   kpasswd_protocol = SET_CHANGE

   kdc =
   kdc =
   kdc =
   admin_server =
   kpasswd_server =
   kpasswd_protocol = SET_CHANGE

   kdc =
   kdc =
   kdc =   
   admin_server =
   kpasswd_server =
   kpasswd_protocol = SET_CHANGE


 profile = /etc/krb5/kdc.conf

        default = FILE:/var/log/krb5/kdc.log
        kdc = FILE:/var/log/krb5/kdc.log
        admin_server = FILE:/var/log/krb5/kadmind.log

        pam = {
         debug = true
         ticket_lifetime = 36000
         renew_lifetime = 36000
         forwardable = true
         krb4_convert = false
        kinit = {
                renewable = true
                forwardable= true

NOTE: As laid out in ADDnsConfiguration, our SCS (School of Computer Science) DNS space includes SRV records generated through the dynamic DNS registration of our forest domain controllers. In that case one may edit out direct references to specific KDC servers in krb5.conf and enable dns_lookup_kdc in [libdefaults]. This causes the local kerberos client to use DNS to identify available KDC servers instead of maintaining them in the client's configuration file. However, if user password change is to be available, realm entries for admin_server, kpasswd_server and kpasswd_protocol still need to be specified as DNS cannot convey the requisite SRV data. Use of dns_lookup_kdc = yes should be implemented only after your Kerberos client is successfully configured.

With krb5.conf and krb5.keytab files in place in the /etc/krb5 directory on the Solaris host, one now initializes the kerberos client to the CS.UWATERLOO.CA kerberos realm with the following command.

kinit -k -t /etc/krb5/krb5.keytab host/

Were You Successful?

If you were successful kinit will actually supply no output. However, executing a simple klist command with no options should reveal new a kerberos ticket in the ticket cache. For example:

# klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
Default principal: host/

Valid starting                Expires                Service principal
12/12/07 13:56:53  12/12/07 23:57:04  krbtgt/CS.UWATERLOO.CA@CS.UWATERLOO.CA
        renew until 12/19/07 13:56:53

But most importantly, there should be successful kerberos logon events appearing in the AD domain Security logs for the computername-host account.

Troubleshooting kinit Errors

Password Incorrect While Getting Initial Credentials

This is the most difficult kinit error to resolve. Most documentation is vague and talks of the keytab file being corrupted or having the wrong key. The recommended course of action is to recreate the keytab file on the domain controller and rerun the kinit process on the Solaris host. It's worth trying at least once.

Other documentation suggests that Microsoft's ktpass command cannot create properly encrypted keytab files for Solaris hosts on certain types of hardware. In which case one can use the Solaris host's native ktutil command as an alternate method for creating a keytab file for the Solaris host.

  1. Obtain the KVNO number for the host's SPN from the existing keytab file with the command klist -k -t /etc/krb5/krb5.keytab
  2. Set aside the existing keytab file by renaming it
  3. Enter the ktutil command to enter into the ktutil interface
  4. Within the ktutil interface, create a new key entry and write it back to /etc/krb5/krb5.keytab
    • addent -password -p host/ -k KVNO_number -e des-cbc-md5
    • At the password prompt supply the password for the Active Directory computername-host account
    • wkt /etc/krb5/krb5.keytab
    • q (quit command)
Then attempt the kinit process again. Should kinit fail again with the same error try a simple reset the password for the computername-host account in the Active Directory and attempt kinit again.

Key Table Entry Not Found While Getting Initial Credentials
Client Not Found In Kerberos Database While Getting Initial Credentials

Both these errors can point to a mistake in the SPN naming either in the keytab file, the executed kinit command or perhaps the SPN for the Solaris host was not correctly mapped to the computername-host account in the Active Directory. You should check each item for a mistake.

You can check the SPN entered in the keytab file by entering the command klist -k -t /etc/krb5/krb5.keytab. Should there be an error then you will have to create a new keytab file. Either re-run the Microsoft ktpass command in the Active Directory with a correct SPN or utilize the Solaris ktutil interface outlined in the above section to write a new keytab file directly on the Solaris host.

You can check the SPN name mapping for the computername-host account using the Active Directory Users and Computers tool. Open the account properties, the proper SPN name should be substituted for the User logon name on the Account tab. If it is incorrect then you should re-run the ktpass command on the domain controller using the correct SPN. This will remap the account. This will generate another keytab file but you will probably not require it.

Then attempt the kinit process again.

If kinit fails again with the Key Table Entry Not Found error, then it is possible that the des-cbc-md5 encryption mode is not acceptable to the Solaris host's hardware or environment. The kerberos client may not be able to read the relevant SPN entry in the keytab file. This has been known to occur for Solaris 10 hosts running on some forms of VMWare as opposed to being the base system OS. In this case create a keytab file (or file entry) using rc4-hmac encryption mode instead. This involves using the ktutil command on the Solaris host.

  1. Obtain the KVNO number for the host's SPN from the existing keytab file with the command klist -k -t /etc/krb5/krb5.keytab
  2. Set aside the existing keytab file by renaming it
  3. Enter the ktutil command to enter into the ktutil interface
  4. Within the ktutil interface, create a new key entry and write it back to /etc/krb5/krb5.keytab
    • addent -password -p host/ -k KVNO_number -e rc4-hmac
    • At the password prompt supply the password for the Active Directory computername-host account
    • wkt /etc/krb5/krb5.keytab
    • q (quit command)

Notes On =KVNO Numbers and msDS-KeyVersionNumber Attributes

The KVNO number for your Solaris host's SPN in the krb5.keytab file must match the value of the msDS-KeyVersionNumber attribute for the corresponding host account in the Active Directory. Be advised that each time the password for the host account is changed, the value of the msDS-KeyVersionNumber attribute is incremented by one. Further, the value cannot be directly edited by either a domain or enterprise administrator.
One can view the value of the msDS-KeyVersionNumber attribute for the host account using the previously mentioned ADSI Editor. View the host account properties and all account attributes including msDS-KeyVersionNumber are listed.
The KVNO numbers in the Solaris host's krb5.keytab file can be displayed using the klist -k command at a Solaris command prompt.

Create A Copy Of The =/etc/nsswitch.conf File

At this point it would be a good idea to make a copy of the /etc/nsswitch.conf file on the Solaris host and retain it in a safe place such as /tmp. When configuring the LDAP client in the next section, the Solaris system often attempts to radically modify the /etc/nsswitch.conf file. We've found this automatic modification to do more harm than good. Thus we create a stripped down, LDAP enabled nsswitch.conf file which we can copy into place after configuring the Solaris LDAP client.

For most cases the default nsswitch.conf file will have entries set only to the files lookup mode. The exceptions being hosts and ipnodes which will also use dns for lookups. In your copy of nsswitch.conf add ldap after the files entry for both the passwd and group lines. Your version of nsswitch.conf will now look rather a lot like the following. Keep this in safe location until you have configured the Solaris LDAP client to your satisfaction.

# DNS service expects that an instance of svc:/network/dns/client be
# enabled and online.

passwd:     files ldap
group:      files ldap

# You must also set up the /etc/resolv.conf file for DNS name
# server lookup.  See resolv.conf(4).
hosts:      files dns

# Note that IPv4 addresses are searched for in all of the ipnodes databases
# before searching the hosts databases.
ipnodes:   files dns

networks:   files
protocols:  files
rpc:        files
ethers:     files
netmasks:   files
bootparams: files
publickey:  files
# At present there isn't a 'files' backend for netgroup;  the system will
#   figure it out pretty quickly, and won't use netgroups at all.
netgroup:   files
automount:  files
aliases:    files
services:   files
printers:       user files

auth_attr:  files
prof_attr:  files
project:    files

tnrhtp:     files
tnrhdb:     files

Configure The Solaris LDAP Client

To properly configure the Solaris host's LDAP client you will require the following.

  • Super User ( root) access rights to the new Solaris host.
Now configure the Solaris LDAP client for anonymous binding. Run the following ldapclient command at a Solaris host prompt. To simplify this process it is better to keep the command text in a text file for easy editing and then cat the contents into a csh shell in the following manner when you want to execute.

cat ldapconfig.txt | /bin/csh

Where the contents of ldapconfig.txt are as follows.

ldapclient manual \
-a credentialLevel=anonymous \
-a authenticationMethod=none \
-a defaultSearchBase=dc=cs,dc=uwaterloo,dc=ca \
-a defaultSearchScope=sub \
-a followReferrals=false \
-a \
-a preferredServerList= \
-a defaultServerList= \
-a attributeMap=group:cn=displayName \
-a attributeMap=group:userpassword=userPassword \
-a attributeMap=group:memberuid=memberUid \
-a attributeMap=group:gidnumber=gidNumber \
-a attributeMap=passwd:uid=cn \
-a attributeMap=passwd:gidnumber=gidNumber \
-a attributeMap=passwd:uidnumber=uidNumber \
-a attributeMap=passwd:homedirectory=unixHomeDirectory \
-a attributeMap=passwd:loginshell=loginShell \
-a attributeMap=shadow:uid=cn \
-a attributeMap=shadow:shadowflag=shadowFlag \
-a attributeMap=shadow:userpassword=userPassword \
-a objectClassMap=group:posixGroup=group \
-a objectClassMap=passwd:posixAccount=user \
-a objectClassMap=shadow:shadowAccount=user \
-a serviceSearchDescriptor=passwd:"dc=cs,dc=uwaterloo,dc=ca?sub" \
-a serviceSearchDescriptor=group:"dc=cs,dc=uwaterloo,dc=ca?sub"

Once this command runs successfully, replace /etc/nsswitch.conf with your edited copy of nsswitch.conf from above. It would also be a good idea to restart the LDAP client service on the Solaris host with the following command.

svcadm restart svc:/network/ldap/client:default

NOTE: At the present time we have only successfully configured the LDAP client using a single IP address for the preferredServerList entry. In order for the Solaris host to not be completely dependent upon one domain controller for LDAP services, the given IP address ( represents a load balanced cluster of domain controllers. In the CS-GENERAL domain TCP ports 389 and 636 (LDAP and LDAPS) are load balanced across all domain controllers using Microsoft Network Load Balancing - a built-in feature of all Windows 2003 servers. The load balancing manages the distribution of client LDAP packets to available domain controllers in the cluster. Network Load Balancing must be configured in Multicast mode for all cluster members otherwise the domain controllers will not be able to communicate with each other and the domain will slowly desynchronize - very, very bad.
There is also a defaultServerList entry in the above command line. This represents a single domain controller in the CS-GENERAL domain which will provide LDAP services in the event the load balanced cluster becomes unavailable.
For the CS-TEACHING domain, the LDAP cluster is

NOTE: We have a line in the ldapclient command that reads, -a attributeMap=group:cn=displayName \. This configuration maps the UNIX groupname attribute to the displayName attribute of an Active Directory group object. As opposed to the default condition of simply mapping to a group object's cn attribute. This mapping is a local adaptation in order to overcome some locally created technical issues and is probably not necessary for all set ups.

Configure The Solaris PAM Stack

To configure the Solaris host's PAM Stack you will require the following:

  • Super User ( root) access rights to the new Solaris host.
Though both LDAP and Kerberos clients are configured and initialized on the Solaris host, account lookup and authentication will not yet work. These functions must be added to the configuration of the Solaris PAM stack found in the /etc/pam.conf file. For this document, we will be modifying the 'other' service module in the PAM stack but these modification may be applied to differing services specified in the pam.conf file.

For LDAP account lookup, the /etc/pam.conf is now modified by adding the module into the account management stack. We place this module prior to a unix account ( /etc/passwd) look up. If a user account is found through LDAP then that is sufficient for accepting the account.

other   account requisite
other   account sufficient
other   account sufficient

For Kerberos authentication we add the module to the authentication stack in pam.conf. In this case, authentication through the Kerberos realm occurs first and if successful is considered sufficient for the user to be regarded as authenticated for the local Solaris host.

other   auth requisite
other   auth required 
other   auth required 
other   auth sufficient 
other   auth required 

If you wish for users to be able to set their Kerberos (Active Directory) passwords, these additional modifications are necessary. One is to introduce the the module into the password management stack for the other login service.

other   password required
other   password requisite
other   password sufficient
other   password requisite
other   password required

The next is the (seemingly redundant) introduction of the module into the auth stack of the passwd login service.

passwd   auth requisite
passwd   auth required 
passwd   auth sufficient debug
passwd   auth required 
passwd   auth required 

Refinements Yet To Be Done

  • Use of DNS lookup to locate KDC and LDAP servers instead of hard coding into client configuration.
  • Establish a more secure but equally flexible LDAP binding strategy than anonymous binding.
    • There is a way to fine tune which user attributes can be read with an ANONYMOUS LOGON. This involves using the Advanced security feature in User and Computers on the object (OUs) where the ANONYMOUS LOGON permissions are applied. Instead of specifying 'Apply Onto' as say, 'this object and all child objects', one can select items like 'User objects'. Then, in the properties tab, you may specify individual attributes such as uidNumber. ANONYMOUS LOGON, must have list rights for all attributes though.
      Now we just have to sort out exactly which attributes are required in order for account lookup to succeed.
  • In the case of SSH connections, the option ChallengeResponseAuthentication must be enabled in sshd_config in order to force password changes upon users whose AD accounts have been set to demand a password change upon next logon.
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