Immediately Post-Imaging


Perform Initial Setup

  • change hostname
    • Control panel -> System -> Advanced system settings (on the left) -> Computer Name - > Change

Activate Windows and Office

  1. Activate Office
    • Office should activate automatically, if it doesn't please follow the following steps.

Update Software

  1. Launch Windows Update, and check for updates
  2. Launch Apple Software Update
    • Click `Install Updates`
    • Give permission
    • Installing iTunes will fail. Ignore error.

Finish With Windows Update And Clean Up

  1. Windows Update may appear asking to restart
    • Click Restart now
    • Wait patiently while the computer restarts
      • Note: If the Force close option comes up listing Windows Update, wait, it will close on its own
  2. Windows may reboot several times
  3. Windows will show to the login screen
    • Login as either cscf-op or cscf-admin
  4. Shutdown the computer, then reboot into Ubuntu


Boot Computer And Log In

  1. Boot the Computer
    • GRUB Choose first Ubuntu option
  2. Will present you with a login screen, log in as either cscf-op or cscf-adm using 2016 password

Set Hostname

  1. Press Ctrl+Alt+T to open a terminal
  2. Type "sudo vim /etc/hostname", press enter
  3. Enter the same password you used to log in
  4. change scspcxxx to final name
    • Example: scspc123, or rsg-pc123
  5. Type "sudo vim /etc/hosts", press enter
  6. change scspcxxx to final name
    • Example: scspc123, or rsg-pc123

Update Packages

  1. Press Ctrl+Alt+T to open a terminal
  2. Type "sudo apt update && sudo upgrade -y", press enter
  3. When asked about changing GRUB config, say 'Install the Package Maintainer's Version'
  4. After updating run `os-prober`, if there is no result you may have forgotten to turn off UEFI support.
  5. If os-prober returns anything, run update-grub


  • OPTIONAL: Only needed if you wish to send out alert notices
  1. dpkg-reconfigure postfix


  1. As root
    • rm /etc/ssh/*key*
  2. dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server


  1. Shutdown the Computer
    • Settings / Power Menu (Top right) -> Shutdown -> Shutdown

Before Deploying for a known userid


For use in AD

  1. Add user to local Administrators group as cscf-adm

For use not in AD

  1. login as an administrator
  2. create a new user, make them an Administrator
    • assign a random password


AD setup

Initial setup Join to AD
  1. Run see join-ad script

final AD setup
Optional - only when restricting to specific network access to users or groups
  1. Note: the join-ad script will always add %staff_cscf to the sudoers file if it is not already there.
  2. vi /etc/security/access.conf and add user (or users_groupname)
  3. vi /etc/sudoers and add user (and, possibly, admin_groupname)


  1. apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade
    • when queried, do not replace the LDAP/common-auth !
    • smb.conf - it will ask for a newer version - don't do it!

Setup networking

  1. ONA

update inventory

  1. remove old machines and equipment
  2. add new machine

-- JohnOss - 2017-08-04

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Topic revision: r1 - 2017-08-04 - JohnOss
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