AV Suppliers

Christine Henderson from UW Procurement purchases all AV equipment. chenderson@uwaterloo.ca ext:32854

ADVANCED PRESENTATION PRODUCTS - Mississauga SELLS: EXTRON ----- DOES NOT SELL CHRISTIE Projectors. (UW PURCHASING DEPT HAS experienced prior service issues with them however we now have a new representative and the issues seem to have been corrected) - Sylvia Wagner sylviaw@advanced-inc.com (800) 436-6239 Ext 149

APPLIED ELECTRONICS - Mississauga, Ontario - Bill Archibald warchibald@appliedelectronics.com 905-625-4321

AVI-SPL : Kitchener, Mike Sawyer email: michael.sawyer@avispl.com cell#: 226-339-0828 (

Design Electronics - Niagra Falls, Ont. Bob Maheibe - Senior Sales Engineer. bobm@designelectronics.net 905-646-333 cell: 289-969-6591 6913 Oakwood Drive Niagra Falls, Ont. N2L 6S5

Design Electronics - Niagra Falls Ont. Darren Fousert - Project Manager - (young & seems quite knowledgeable) darren@designelectronics.net 905-646-3333 Cell: 905-658-3025 6913 Oakwood Drive Niagra Falls, Ont. N2L 6S5

DUPLICOM - Kitchener - Chris Heywood chris.heywood@duplicom.com 519.725.0791

DUPLICOM - Kitchener - Russell Loney russel.loney@duplicom.com 519.725.0791

DYNAMIX PROFESSIONAL VIDEO SYSTEMS - London Inc. Patrick Hartman - Audio sales - pat@dynamix.ca p: 519 681 5000 f: 519 681 8525 web: www.dynamix.ca Doug Moore - AV sales doug@dynamix.ca

EDCOM Multimedia - Kitchener, Edcom does NOT sell: Christie Projectors Myron Leis - dmleis@edcom.ca Phone: 519-578-2260 ext. 2216 or 800-321-3813 ext. 2216 Cell: 519-240-4891

Audio General - USA - Eric Gagnier - sales ericcg@audiogeneral.com 267-288-0300 Phone 866-866-2600 Toll Free 267-288-0301 Fax

Thorvin Electronics Inc. - Distributor of SP Controls products Jean-Marc Langevin T: 1-800-323-6634 F: 1-905-829-4196 E: jmlangevin@thorvinelectronics.com http://www.thorvinelectronics.com Contact me: Google Talk jmlangevin Skype Jean-marcLangevin

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-- DanHergott - 14 Feb 2012

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