-- Main.ctucker - 27 Sep 2006

CSCF Active Directory: Delegation of Authority, Standards and Practices (OBSOLETE)

Up until very recently, all management in the Active Directory was handled through using some Domain Administrator account. These accounts were either the built-in Administrator account or the root account (created for automated account creation and password synchronization) or a personal domain admin account username-adm. All these accounts are members of the Domain Admins group and as such have broad powers.

Delegation of User Account Management In CS-TEACHING and CS-GENERAL

In both domains there is a security group named accounts_cs. Members of this group have been given special account management powers in the Users OUs in both domains.

Delegation of Computer Account Creation (Membership) In CS-GENERAL

In CS-GENERAL there is a universal group called domain_join_cscf in the CS\CSCF OU. This groups has been granted the right to add and delete computers from the CS-GENERAL domain.

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Topic revision: r4 - 2024-10-30 - MariHassanzada
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