Notes from upgrading curumin 14 April 2004

per Robyn's notes, but he wrote a script called xh-os-upgrade (very very crude). This script does xh-packages into a file and reverse-sort-dependency figure outing thing. Can run it with -b (but look at the sources)

vi error always looks poopy.

Some packages will fail to uninstall; it's up to you to decide if they're important. Fixing Install scripts may be required. Make sure to post to .bugs if you do this. The script tells you a lot of this stuff too. Removing the last 3 packages (mfcf-basics, xhier, os-extras) is tricky. Actually want to do os-extras, then xhier, then mfcf-basics.

Will then need to get rid of comments like # Beginning of xhier additions in things like crontab, inetd.conf, services, etc

Robyn's notes warn of things too.

The script tells a pathname of files you ought to save when it's run. Make sure those get saved. They're in /tmp.

need windows open on: pentane, curumin

Once done the os upgrade (IRIX bits), run xh-os-upgrade -a and it will tell you what else you need to do.

-- MikePatterson - 19 Mar 2005

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Topic revision: r1 - 2005-03-19 - MikePatterson
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