Course Coordinators
In addition to instructors, who are the immediate clients for teaching Points of Contact,
there are course coordinators (previously/also known as "outline maintainers"), ideally one for each course.
They are described (as of 2015-06-22) as someone who will:
- Teach the course regularly (perhaps once every two years, or more often);
- Act as a resource for sessionals and new faculty, typically maintaining a set of notes that can be used as a starting point for these instructors;
- Select and confirm textbooks;
- Coordinate any computing resources with CSCF;
- Maintain the course outline on our website;
- Discuss curriculum issues and proposed changes with UAPC; and
- Work with others who regularly teach the course, to make sure that the course is delivered in a reasonably consistent fashion, while accommodating the variation in style and delivery encouraged by academic freedom.
We're told that the new list of maintainers will replace the current list.
That might be
which is referenced from
We're not yet sure.