Printing to ljp_cs (DC2320) via with csgradpc's (deprecated) DO NOT USE
Note: This method uses non-domain credentials for establishing printer queues
Initial Requirements - these steps must be done first:
- Account userid on both the local PC and the CS general environment
must match exactly (Note: is an alias for smb-printers).
- PC account name must not be a renamed userid. Renaming a userid will cause samba to fail.
- Password on PC must match the "samba" password setup on Note this will NOT be correct by default. The end user will have to log into the CS general environment
and set the password using the smbpasswd command (You can use the SSH client in the Programs Start MENU to log into )
Initial Testing
- Open the Start Menu and pick Run.
- Type in \\ press OK
- Do you see your own userid listed ? Can you Open your home directory ? - If Not see Testing Notes at the end of this note
- Take note of the printer name(s) you want to add - you will need to use it below - we use ljp-cs-1 in the scope of this document.
- You may close this dialogue box, if you wish, or keep it open for reference