Linux Working Group

Meeting Date

  • TEAMS: 2023-05-31


  • Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave, O, Ed


  • Anthony, Clayton, Fraser, Devon, Ed, Todd, Nick, Clayton

Review and accept previous meeting minutes.

Review last meeting's Action Items

  • Homedirectory quotas (a2brenna) - RTs: 1112506, 1288354 et al
    • 100 GB quotas in staged roll out, plan detailed in tickets above
      • Any movement on this?
        • Nick is working on a message to clients that includes tools for checking their own quotas and instructions on moving files to a holding area for deletion

New business

  • Snapshots are still disabled, when are they to be re-enabled? (a2brenna)
    • Snapshots appear to be enabled in the GENERAL environment, but not in TEACHING. I am now fielding complaints from students. (a2brenna)
      • Were disabled at Nick's request, will be re-enabled.

  • Need to reboot all the machines as soon as new kernel/patch is available to fix priv escalation vulnerability
    • Kernel is pending but not released yet.


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Topic revision: r2 - 2023-05-31 - AnthonyBrennan
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