- Carbon Copy cloner is a software package that is installed on the standard Macintosh platform or can be obtained fromm www.versiontracker.com
- You cannot clone onto the active OS.
- Reboot the Macintosh and hold down the option key
- Select the device that you want to clone from
- Launch /Applications/Carbon copy cloner application
- Open Prefrences under Carbon Copy Cloner menu
- Set Target Disk options to Make bootable
- Set Source disk options to repair permissions before cloning
- Click on Save button
- Launch disk utility and reformat target drive for a clean install
- Select the Source Disk
- Select the Target Disk
- Click on the Lock and authenticate
- Click on the Clone button
- Do not touch the file system check the progress perodically by moving the mouse if screen saver is active. This will take up to 60 Minutes depending on size of the image.
- When done SHUTDOWN the system and remove firewire drive.
- Reboot the system change the System Preferences
1 Ip address in Network
2 The name in Sharing
3 New userid in Accounts
Replace a Mac Hard Drive
see Mac-Fix-it article
-- ArthurHills - 14 Apr 2005
Topic revision: r4 - 2011-05-10
- iturner