Next Monday Marlon will start reimporting the Faculty_member table; will tell Daniel when he's done (for CS re-edits).
Prof reported email display error; doesn't want watiam address to show up? Discussed options for editing; OFIS dump receives two watiam email addresses: the actual destination address, and the most recently chosen displayed name. Often, neither is their 'userid@uwaterloo' address. For the OFIS displayed address: could we give them the option of all three?...
Vu: contribution changes: will move to Prod. Will look at Olga's bug-report for the annual report.
Michael: built ER diagram, will email draft to us. Discussed unused tables that can be deleted. Marlon will have Michael building a data-dictionary.
Daniel: 'CSV import' still doesn't work? Vu will fix.
Ray: will do server updates now that annual review process is done.
ask faculty members: display on web?
process for improving CS teaching roster data to include faculty userid?
published book has (accepted) date?
Vu: excel import: doesn't work on mac Office 2008?
Information in this area is meant for use by CSCF staff and is not official documentation, but anybody who is interested is welcome to use it if they find it useful.