OFIS Notes from 26 January, 2011
- Next Monday Marlon will start reimporting the Faculty_member table; will tell Daniel when he's done (for CS re-edits).
- Prof reported email display error; doesn't want watiam address to show up? Discussed options for editing; OFIS dump receives two watiam email addresses: the actual destination address, and the most recently chosen displayed name. Often, neither is their 'userid@uwaterloo' address. For the OFIS displayed address: could we give them the option of all three?...
- Vu: contribution changes: will move to Prod. Will look at Olga's bug-report for the annual report.
- Michael: built ER diagram, will email draft to us. Discussed unused tables that can be deleted. Marlon will have Michael building a data-dictionary.
- Daniel: 'CSV import' still doesn't work? Vu will fix.
- Ray: will do server updates now that annual review process is done.
- ask faculty members: display on web?
- process for improving CS teaching roster data to include faculty userid?
- published book has (accepted) date?
- Vu: excel import: doesn't work on mac Office 2008?
-- DanielAllen - 26 Jan 2011