Present: Nancy Day, MikePatterson

Started: 1430, Completed: 1500

Pick a December day to redo mudge (at least to get new disks working, and perhaps to sarge-ify as well). We can upgrade tumbo/quadra/gooch in some other off-time. Advantage of format+reinstall: get to have everything exactly how we want it, RAID and all. But it takes longer.

UPS software - Mike needs to talk to Dave to see what progress is being made. (I emailed him after the meeting regarding private area network stuff, which is how he mentioned he'd like to do it for ALL the network-capable UPSes. Plus this will let us talk to the RAC better.)

Linksys wireless projector? Nancy will email LawrenceFolland regarding this.

Printing from the lab machines, what's the best way?

  1. Will they get to keep jasper?
  2. If not jasper, replace it with another PC file / print server?
  3. Otherwise, how about using mudge as a print server?
  4. Failing all that, we could use standard CSCF print server.

Mike needs to get the real specifications for aransas and pedernales and forward them to Nancy/Richard.

-- MikePatterson - 08 Nov 2004

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Topic revision: r2 - 2005-03-19 - MikePatterson
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