Research Interests Form

This page consists of checkboxes for each research area and a text area for general research interest information. The research areas are populated from the researchArea table in the database which holds a research area id and description for each possible research area. The users are to check each research area that they are interested in up to a maximum of three areas. There is a javascript function ensuring that more than three checkboxes are not selected.

Once the submit button is pressed a new record is inserted into the applicantResearchArea table in the database for each area that was selected on the form. The record contains the the applicant's OUAC number corresponding to his applicant record and the research area id corresponding to the researchArea record for this research area. Also, the researchInterests field of the applicant record is set with the data in the form's text area.

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Topic revision: r2 - 2013-07-31 - DrewPilcher
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