This page will act as a guide for the users as they fill out their applications. Each step of the application process (specific steps will be listed once the specification for the checklist is received) will be listed on this page with a checkboxes to indicate whether a step has yet to be started, is partially complete, or is complete. For any step which is accomplished through the database the checkboxes will be be automatically filled out. For any step which may need to be handled on paper (i.e. possibly sending in a resume or references) the checkboxes must remain manual.
The Checklist is just a guide for the students and allows them to see what they have accomplished and whether or not certain application items have been processed by the grad office; the applicant is not able to edit the manual checkboxes. The graduate office will manually check the completion checkbox for items that are sent to them by mail.
Once all of the steps have been checked complete, a button to the final submission page ( GradApplicationFinalSubmission ) will be displayed.