Adding, Editing, and Deleting Staff Members in ST
We still need new staff to be able to access ST tickets, and access to .htaccess protected areas which are controlled by an old processes.
Following is basic information on using the ST User Management application. For a step-by-step guide or information on error messages, see the attached document.
After following the below instructions, there is one remaining step to be performed manually:
- Add them to the following .htaccess file, which is under RCS revision control, on
: /var/www/
- this grants them access to download ST attachments and eDocs, and also grants access to the ST-time-tracking app
and one optional step:
- Add them to the RunOn sentence via capo.private:/software/rt-math-1/doc/debug/workList/workList_people.ijs
If you have need for the old instructions, they are here.
Access the ST user management application at
Only special access users are permitted to use the application. The people generally responsible for managing staff members in ST are Stephen Nickerson, Omar Nafees, Lawrence Folland, Isaac Morland, Daniel Allen, Fraser Gunn, Lori Suess and Jim Johnston.
Add a New Staff Member
- All new staff member must have a UWdir account prior to being added to ST.
- Employee type settings are not permanent. Most employee information can be changed post-addition. See editing staff members.
- Enter the UWdir username of the employee. Select SEARCH USERNAME
- Fields corresponding to Name and Associated Faculty will immediately populate. You may adjust the "Name" field only.
- If the employee is hired by CSCF, update the faculty to Computer Science (CSCF). If the employee is hired by MFCF, select Mathematics (MFCF)
- ( See below for information on the remaining fields (Employee Type and Expiration Date) )
- Employee type should be set to "Temporary"
- Temporary employees require an expiration date; this date should correspond to end of the student's work term.
- Employees who have reached the predetermined expiration date must be deleted. (See section on Deleting)
Regular Staff
- Employee type should be set to "Regular"
- A predetermined expiration date is not required.
Special Access Staff
- Employee type should be set to Special Access User (SAU)
- For a SAU,
in the database table queue_acl is set to "1". (All other employee types set to "0")
- A predetermined expiration date is not required.
- Only employees responsible for managing users in ST should be given special access privileges.
Editing Staff Members
From the Staff List, select the user to be updated by clicking on the user's name (alphabetical by first name).
- All information regarding an employee, sparing his WatIAM userid, can be edited.
- Employees who have reached the expiration date should be deleted, not edited. See section below.
- When editing a temporary employee's Employee Type, the expiration date will automatically be deleted from the database.
Deleting Staff Members
All persons no longer working for CSCF or MFCF who should no longer exist in the database must be deleted. Most commonly, this includes temporary staff members who have exceeded their expiration date. Follow the steps below to delete.
- Select the user (by name) from the Staff List
- Follow link at bottom of edit user page ("Delete _ ___")
- Enter reason for deletion. A reason must be provided to prevent accidental deletions. If the user is temporary, it is acceptable to submit the provided reason for deletion.
- Select SUBMIT.
Additional Features
Access on this list is used to control whether you can look them up in the CSCF Time Tracking Tool
You may keep track of updates by viewing the Log File. The log file is a simple text document tracking all updates made within the application in chronological order (in other words: you may need to do a bit of scrolling...) The log files are automatically updated whenever a change is made within the application. The following information is recorded:
- Time in format: [day/month/year:hour:minute:second]
- Employee edited (full name)
- If edit, will include field affected. Else if deletion, will include reason for deletion. (For additions, only name of new employee is recorded).