School Administration Tools History
This project builds on the work of prior CSCF projects.
- GradOfficeWebApplication - 2005-2007 - headed by Isaac - project to completely overhaul the operations of the CS grad office, including replacing Filemaker database with a Web application. Three parts were identified:
- On-line Graduate Student Admissions System (OGSAS) web app is deployed successfully.
- Grad TA Assignment web app is deployed successfully, including 2016 enhancements to record evaluations of TAs.
- Grad Desktop Equipment has not replaced the Filemaker database. Isaac's notes circa 2005-6 are still relevant as below:
- PeopleAppProject - Jan-Apr 2013 - headed by Daniel - web application to supplement (not replace) grad office filemaker app.
- Shelved due to higher priorities and lack of time.
- Completed:
- Specifications including limited scope.
- Database schema - see the bottom of /ST#78168
- We didn't complete the UI or do user testing; but:
-- DanielAllen - 2018-01-23