Meeting - 3 August 2004 - 1530-1600h

Nancy, MikePatterson

  1. thin client has been set up (showed Nancy briefly how to use it)
  2. Rational Rose: Jo said it's still an issue but not a pressing one (I'll poke Ed about it again)
  3. aransas and pedernales have been set up (need to finish up automating password synchronization)
  4. UPSen: gooch needs one (Nancy will talk to Mark) and also Nancy was wondering about automated shutdowns. I had spoken to Dave about this some time ago, we were kicking around the idea of setting up a private area network for the servers to talk to the UPS. I need to follow up with Dave on this.
  5. mudge disk progress - none, need to finish that.
  6. per process limits on mudge: perhaps it would be useful for Alma to show me exactly what's going on.

Another issue that came up while we were in the SE lab: apparently it's possible to sftp in to quadra, but not mudge. The region should be consistent.

Nancy would like a barbarus account (or else to have her password there reset).

-- MikePatterson - 19 Mar 2005

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Topic revision: r1 - 2005-03-19 - MikePatterson
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