-- Mike Gore - 2021-10-03

Lenovo Specific Notes

BIOS settings

  • Enable Secure boot - the imaging process will need this - Secure Boot setting will also enable other required defaults
    • Power on laptop and press the ENTER key repeatedly after seeing the Lenovo LOGO until the boot menu appears
    • In the Boot menu pick F1
    • Using arrow keys -> Security settings -> Enable Secure boot - F10 to save settings
      • The system will reboot - at this point go directly to the next step you will be pressing ENTER and F12

Lenovo Updates

  • Once logged in go to http://support.lenovo.com -> Pick the PC/Laptop image and pick support
  • Choose Autodetect product -- This will fail - download the Lenovo Agent to detect the product and run it from your downloads folder
  • Try the support.lenovo.com page again it should take you to the support page specifically for the product
  • Choose Downloads and Drivers and pick detect -> Pick Download
    • This will install the Lenovo Updater and other programs
    • Once the Updater is installed you can run that to install all of the updates for the system
  • After Lenovo updates are installed - it may have to reboot the system a few time - run the updater each time until nothing is left to do

Boot USB key

  • Insert USB key created
  • Power on laptop and press the ENTER key repeatedly after seeing the Lenovo LOGO until the boot menu appears
    • In the Boot menu pick F12
  • You should now see the USB key listed in the list - if not check BIOS settings and make sure USB is enable and or try another USB socket
    • Using Arrow keys pick USB key
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Topic revision: r1 - 2021-10-03 - MikeGore
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