Mac For Surplus

  1. Connect the Mac to VLAN 420 (Asimov's network)
  2. NetBoot the machine
    • Sometimes when booting into the DeployStudio NetBoot set, the login in the set will be rejected due to the set being outdated, If this is the case, wait for it to timeout and select Devonshire as the host and enter either the current cscf-op/adm login or your own login (if you are CSCF staff or casual)
  3. Select the base surplus workflow for the appropiate operating system for the Mac
  4. If the machine needs to be wiped (still has data on it) be sure to select Secure Erase on the first step and select 7-Pass DOD standard and click the play button in the upper left corner (This process can take a few hours)
  5. After the disk has been wiped, select the Macintosh HD partition on the next step and hit the play button again
    • The workflow will now run through preparing post-install scripts to make the Mac appear "new" (i.e boots to setup)
  6. The machine will automatically reboot after the workflow finishes, on it's first boot it will run post-install scripts and update the OS. When done it will reboot.
  7. After the machine has rebooted, it should boot to the first-boot setup. Hold the power button down for 10 seconds to force the machine to shut down (do NOT go through the setup process)

The machine is now ready for surplussing.

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Topic revision: r6 - 2016-05-11 - DevonMerner
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