-- StephenNickerson - 28 Feb 2011
The OpenGL spec has recently been updated to version 2.1. Included with that
is something called shading which allows one to represent different surfaces,
give them a look of real world materials like rubber, skin, metal, etc. In
technical terms, as described in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GLSL it
allows programmers to control _endering pipelines using vertex and pixel
shaders_. In the past programmers needed to be conversant on assembly language
level to be able to modify these attributes of the graphics card but higher
level languages have been introduced, an example of which is Cg, developed by Nvidia.
Want to install the latest Nvidia drivers under Ubuntu/Edgy Eft? Apparently going
to http://albertomilone.com/driver_edgy.html is a good option (I haven't tried this), or
or http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html
all by the same author, for latest see his blog at http://albertomilone.com/wordpress/
and the Nvidia drivers provided by the linux-restricted-modules
package. In short we don't use mesa and never have.
-- WalterTautz - 15 Dec 2006