SeaShell IDE for CS136


Things to note when building:

  • See seashell/INSTALL in the repo and make sure you run the git submodule commands.
  • There are 3 folders of interest: The seashell git folder, a "build" folder, and an "install" folder. You can put the 3 folders at the same level.
  • Run the cmake command from the build folder, and point PATH_TO_SEASHELL_SOURCE to the seashell git folder, and INSTALL_PATH to the install folder. For example: cmake /u/yc2lee/seashell/seashell/ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/u/yc2lee/seashell/install/
  • When I tried to build on ubuntu1404-006.student.cs, I ran into some errors which traced back to cmake and openssl-dev, so I manually installed them myself (no root, just as yc2lee into a non-standard install directory).
  • In the PDF above, the "make" command will take several hours. Use "make -jN" where N is number of cores to use to speed up compiling significantly


You can run tests with the command CTEST_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE=true make test in the /home/yc2lee/build/src/collects/ folder on ugster25.student.cs

The tests themselves are in /home/yc2lee/seashell/src/tests/tests

For front-end tests, Seashell uses Jasmine and Karma. See /home/yc2lee/build/doc/docs/index.html

SVN alternative to UNIX group creation

On linux.student.cs, see ~cs_build/bin/svn/*

Assignment Solutions Watermarking

These are a set of scripts that watermark assignment solutions that instructors provide to students. They typically live under the public_html/protect directory of a course account.

Permissions to who can view the pages is controlled via a .coursestaff file in course account's root directory.

-- OmNafees - 2014-05-12

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Topic revision: r10 - 2022-10-26 - DanielAllen
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