SCS Kiosk Shutdown or Reboot (Restart)

You can remotely shutdown or restart the cs kiosks using a couple of methods:

Preferred method for restart

  • login to najas.cs using your -adm login and password
  • Right-click on My Network Places and choose "Search for Computers"
    • enter scspc147 (for the kiosk on the 1st floor)
    • or enter scspc022 (for the kiosk outside the CS office)
  • double-click on the computer name
  • double-click on "Scheduled Tasks"
  • right-click on "Daily Restart" and choose "Run"
    • the restart will happen immediately

The reason this method is preferred is that the associated script resets all of the user configuration before restarting, thus assuring a clean environment when it comes back up.

Optional method for doing a shutdown or restart

  • use remote desktop to:
    • (for the kiosk on the 1st floor)
    • or (for the kiosk outside the CS office)
  • login with your -adm login and password (or cscf-adm)
  • click on Start -> Windows Security
  • select Shutdown or Restart as desired
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Topic revision: r2 - 2010-09-23 - LawrenceFolland
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