This is old and obsolete and should be moved to a private section.
Migrating a Mailman Mailing List Betweenbbcrandmailman
1. On bbcr
- Login to bbcr, then suw to root
- Start the bash shell using the bash command
- Set the $PATH to include mailman's bin directory
export PATH=/var/mailman-2.0.8ece/distribution/bin:$PATH
- Go to a convenient location and export user list
cd /u/trg list_members -o <list_name>_reg -r -p <list_name> list_members -o <list_name>_dig -d -p <list_name>
- tar the list's archives. Ther are 2 directories that need to be tar-ed: and .mbox.
cd /var/mailman-2.0.8ece/distribution/archives/private tar cvf <list_name>.tar <list_name>*
- Set proper permissions on the exported user lists and tar-ed archive
chown trg <list_name>*
- Get the list's custom listinfo.html page, if it exists
cd /var/mailman-2.0.8ece/distribution/lists/<list_name> cat listinfo.html
Copy/paste the output of cat into a text file in a text editor that we will keep open.
- Get the list's administrators using the config_list command
config_list -o - <list_name> | grep admin
Save those names somewhere.
2. On mailman
- Login to mailmanand sudo -i to enter a root shell
$ sudo -s
- Setup the PATH to include the mailman bin directory
export PATH=/var/mailman/bin:$PATH
- Go to your home folder and scp the exported files to mailman
cd ~ scp<list_name>* .
- Create the list with the same name as on bbcr using the script <list_name> <admin_email@host>
- Look in your mail box for an email from to get your list's admin password.
- Restore the list of administrators.
- Login with the password you just received into the administration page of the list at
- Add the administrators (the ones you dumped on bbcr using config_list) separated by a newline in the appropriate field.
- Import the new list of members
add_members -r <list_name>_reg <list_name> add_members -d <list_name>_dig <list_name>
- Restore the archives
- On mailman, confirm the existence of 2 directories: /var/mailman/archive/private/ and /var/mailman/archive/private/.mbox. Note that the directories are set root:mailman
- Expand the archived archives to somewhere convenient
cd somewhere_convenient tar xvf <list_name>.tar
That should create 2 new directories in the current directory:
and .mbox.
- Copy everything from those two folders into the mailman standard directories
cd <list_name> cp -r * /var/mailman/archive/private/<list_name> cd ../<list_name>.mbox cp -r * /var/mailman/archive/private/<list_name>.mbox
- Restore the custom list information page Go to<list_name>/listinfo.html
and replace the html code there with the code we got in section 1.7, but replace all occurences of links to bbcr with the corresponding links to mailman, where appropriate.
-- AlexRoman - 27 Jul 2005