Linux Working Group


Invitees - Attendees

  • Adrian, Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Todd, Omar

Review and accept previous meeting minutes.

Last meeting's tasks [10 minutes] (Lawrence, Dave not present)

  • Lawrence - confirm with Daniel the maintenance of OpenDCIM
  • Lawrence - work with Graham to update the OpenDCIM data
  • Anthony - discuss OpenDCIM with Devon (including power management, etc)
    • OpenDCIM time consuming for wide varieties of hardware (need to define a template per unique piece)
    • Possibly simpler to build the functionality we want into Inventory (power tracking etc.), but this requires investing in Inventory
  • Anthony/Adrian - work on new postfix recipe to have servers send mail out directly - RT#1204074
  • Clayton - document process of adding hosts to AD and move to a generally accessible place * keytab work * 4.13 auto updates of Samba causing issues. Currently pinned.
  • Lawrence / RSG - update jerusalem and graceland to mount new NFS share - RT#1194157
  • Dave - put up Beta version of Virtual Host Index / Anthony to create a ticket - RT#1211603 -> working on it

Linux Kernel Security

    • Present from 5.8 onward, possibly on older kernels via backport
    • a2brenna/gxshen will update and reboot login servers
    • fhgunn: prudent to rebuild all login servers from scratch. O(hours) to rebulid all student login machines
    • ctucker: reasonable to replace keytab files, invalidate existing keytabs
    • Rebuild webservers and other container servers
    • Appetite for risk on rebuilding servers? Question for management
    • setuid binaries in user filesystems? Mount a survey (per term?). Set ACL on snapshots?
    • Run vulnerability check on questionable systems (eg. 5.4 kernels)
  • omnafees to send an email on reboots (a2brenna create draft to cscfmgm)
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Topic revision: r3 - 2022-03-09 - LoriPaniak
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