OFIS Notes from 25 Mar 2009
Met from 11am-12:55pm.
Two visitors from Arts: prof, Bruce (Muirhead), associate dean of grad studies; and Carol (x), from Arts Dean's Office
PD says: Friday, IST's meeting is on GAP. In Math 2009.
- Arts may send one or more person from Accounting, Finance, Psych (who are particularly unhappy with GAP)
- people missing today: Beth Jukes (haven't met?): chair of Mgt. Sci; Olga Vechtomova, prof of Mgt. Sci.
- OFIS needs different templates for different schools. New version is working on that.
- What Math/CS committees are involved with designing CS templates?...
- Spent a while on dev/db problem with existing data from HR not matching dept ID from Office of Research.
Past Tasks:
- Daniel will look into bibtex output formats. csv? <-- not natively, but it's an easy problem to convert from bibtex markup to any given CSV.
- Daniel will ask Peter vanBeek about how we keep bibliographies in bibtex. <-- PvB says 90% profs keep their publications records in bibtech; each their own files.
- Daniel will tell Peter whether we could use a co-op for the summer or fall. <-- not yet done.
- Daniel will ask Frank Tompa about student evaluation data-flow. <-- not yet done.
Upcoming Tasks:
- Daniel: Question: is there a mailing list for OFIS dev / policy questions?
- similarly: is there a policy document other than the code?
- Daniel: Ask Peter: do publications appear on our records when they're submitted, accepted, or published? [Accepted]
- Daniel: will advise Peter whether we want a co-op for summer or fall.
- Daniel: Ask Frank Tompa about formats of student evaluation input data.
-- DanielAllen - 06 Apr 2009