Sponsors Data Editing RCS

Use RCS co command to prepare file for editing


All files in the sponsor data are now maintained using the RCS set of utilities.

Before using your favourite appropriate text editor to make changes to the file, you must do the following

   cs-xh-admin% rcsdiff _filename_
   cs-xh-admin% co -l _filename_

The rcsdiff is not strictly-speaking necessary, but it is a good habit to get into. It should return no output, meaning that you will not obliterate anyone else's changes. Somewhat similarly, if the co command fails, it may be because another person already has the file locked; you may need to talk to them to resolve that.

Note that before you do the above, the file filename should not be writeable by you; this process modifies the file so you are able to make changes working as your own personal userid (without using super-user). The file might or might not be owned by your personal userid, depending upon who last did make a change to the file.



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-- AdrianPepper - 04 Dec 2012

-- AdrianPepper - 02 Sep 2020

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Topic revision: r3 - 2020-09-02 - AdrianPepper
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