OFIS Notes from 20 May, 2010
Past CS tasks
- Daniel: fixing user info: replace "Department of" with blank, if "School of"?
- Decision to remove it entirely.
- Also for reports that say "Department of"... I can look at it; ignoring Engr. specific reports.
- Daniel: http://uhuru.uwaterloo.ca/refbase/
? a prof's own setup for his papers. not a faculty project.
- Beth says engr faculty excited about refbase interface in OFIS.
- Jack reported on fixes for Research Support interface
- Marlon: Office of Research: imported 50K records back to 1999; next step, putting into OFIS.
- 30K shouldn't be imported... 500 or so are by title ("director of faculty") not name? don't bother trying to track down.
- Marlon: HR: multiple records for same person: which to pick as authoritative?
- setting up refbase meeting. how ofis will talk to it; engr test server for refbase (over network) ; directions.
Upcoming Tasks:
- Daniel will fix CS Research Book code for order of display
- Daniel will update user info (removing "Department of") and remove from reports.
-- DanielAllen - 20 May 2010