How to Modify the Google Drive Presentation

Steps below outline how to log in to the Google Drive website and then get to the presentation. Google Chrome is reconmended when editing a presentation, though newer versions of Firefox and Internet Explorer may work, though they are discouraged browsers as sometimes features perform poorly.

Step 1 - Browse to Google Drive

Login to the Google Account by navigating to Google Drive. You should end up on a screen looking something like the below image:


Step 2 - Login

Enter the login information for the account (the password is recorded where other CS passwords are recorded, under "Kiosk"). Once entered simply hit "Sign in". Once logged in you should be redirected to a page that looks like the following:


Step 3 - Open the CSCF Kiosk folder

Now that you are logged in and at the homepage of Google Drive you can click on file named "CSCF Kiosk". The image below depicts where exactly I am referring to:


If you successfully clicked on the file you will end up at a presentation editor, like the below image shows:


Step 4 - Make changes to the presentation

From here on you can make changes to the presentation just like you would for a Powerpoint Presentation. Any changes you have made are automatically saved, so don't worry about looking for a save button. The Visibull presentation will not display the new changes to the presentation until a reload is done. This can be done by either manually going to the computer and reloading the page (discouraged method), or simply by making a schedule change on the Visibull page. It is good to note though that I have setup a recurring daily schedule change at 12am, so that even if a refresh is not done after a Google Drive change, you still can except that change to be seen the next day (See Accessing Visibull#refreshing for more info on how to create a refresh of your own).

Step 5 - Logout

Once you have completed modifying the presentation, please log out of the account.

Direct URL Shortcut

Currently the URL to the CSCF kiosk Presentation Editor is:

Rolling Back Changes

Since saving is automatic you may have times when you want to undo a major change you made. To see previous versions and to roll back, you will need to view the revision history. This can be achieved from the Google Drive Presentation Editor, by going to File -> See Revision History (hotkey: CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+G). A panel will pop up on the right displaying various revisions. Click on a revision and it may show you a preview. At this point you have the option to now choose to "Restore this revision". Upon clicking this the revision will be restored.

Making the new presentation visible

The presentation software seems to load a copy of the powerpoint and keep playing it. To get it to display the new slides, the easiest thing to do is simply restart the display computer. Press the power button to have it shut down. Then power it back on. It will come up directly into the presentation screen.
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Topic revision: r5 - 2015-01-26 - LawrenceFolland
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