ST suggestion box

Here we can collect notes on ST features that we would like to see fixed, changed or added. Please provide some notes on the feature and include your name at the end to develop a list of requestors. Also, note any relevant open ST items about that issue.

ST items about ST itself

You may wish to check the existing list of ST items about ST

Features to fix

This section is for features that are arguably "broken" and need some work to fix.

  • Mail a reply - when responded to, the ST item should be updated automatically with no user intervention required

  • "Support" - derived from "machine name" - always says "not found". This used to be derived from the equipment database, and should now come from the E+I inventory system
    • Requestor: lfolland

Features to change

This section is for features that are currently working, but you feel they need to be improved or changed in the way they work

  • Provide a date-selector pop-up for any fields intended to contain a date, or compute and display the day of week for date fields. This is particularly valuable to prevent due-dates being set on weekends.
    • trg, 2010-2-8

Features to add

This section is for features that you would like to see added to ST

  • Formalize the use of the "rtattach" facility. The concept of attaching files to items seems straightforward and we have evolved a storage schema that seems to be usable. It would be helpful to incorporate this into the formal schema for an ST item, so that attachment names could be listed in an item preamble and links automatically generated. Attachment management (upload and delete) would be a nice addition.
    • trg, 2010-1-6

  • When ST sends out an update via email to all owners, it would be nice if it included a link to the ST item itself, so that it can be clicked and take you there directly

  • Add a dpendency tree-walk to the "see also" items: when ST items appear in the "dependencies" list, the complete tree of dependent ST items is displayed. It would be useful to do the same tree-walk when an item with dependencies occurs in the "see also" list.
    • Requestor: trg

-- LawrenceFolland - 21 Feb 2005
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Topic revision: r14 - 2012-09-28 - BillInce
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