File Sharing Service Name


For the File Sharing Service, we are planning on using NextCloud. We will need a name for the machine/service to use


Here are some of the principles we are considering for the name of the service:

  • this name should be memorable
  • indicative of what it's for
  • easy to spell/type
  • easily searched in our web space (ie: fairly unique search term)
  • not confused with other services
  • we're thinking we probably shouldn't tie it to a particular technology (ie: nextcloud) since we might change the underlying software

Some ideas

We've been jotting down ideas for names. Feel free to add new suggestions and/or a plus to names you particularly like, or a minus for ones you really don't like

  • cscloud.cs + -
  • myspace.cs
  • my.cs
    • another idea is that my.cs could be a web landing page for a number of service offerings (ie: listing the FSS service, sFTP, git, etc) +
  • vault.cs +
  • nextcloud.cs
    • probably not because of the principle above
  • mybox.cs -
    • the "box" is a reference to DropBox, which is what this service will be emulating
  • csbox.cs
  • bitbox.cs
  • mycloud.cs +
  • filingcabinet.cs
  • carriel.cs
    • a South American term for a small leather bag, or satchel
  • ponyexpress.cs
  • satchel.cs
  • storage.cs
  • watcloud.cs
  • stratus.cs
    • latin for "layer". types of clouds - want something easy to spell, so probably not Cumulus or Cumulonimbus or Stratocumulus... stratus clouds are low-layer with a uniform base.
  • nimbus.cs
    • latin for "dark cloud"
  • kanan.cs
    • Mayan for Store/protect
  • cumulus - abbreviation is "cu" as in cu.cs (i.e. see you cs)
  • stratocumulus - abbreviation is "sc" so we can have sc.cs - a nice palindrome.
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Topic revision: r7 - 2016-12-21 - OmNafees
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