Research Client Meetings

Here we provide a template for an agenda when meeting with our research clients to review work on their subscription

Current work list

  • review existing list
    • quick synopsis of each
    • review priorities
    • which can be considered "done"?
    • which can be dropped?
    • anything missing that should be on the list?

Upcoming projects

  • Discuss any significant upcoming projects

Subscription History

  • review the subscription report for this term and over the past year or so
    • explain the process of subscription review (highs and lows, averages over time)
  • do we need to adjust the subscription level (up or down)?
  • we do try to work to the target, so if they'd like more work done in a term, could consider an increase in units


  • "how well do you think we're doing?"
  • "are their areas where we can improve?"
  • "would you like to see a regular (eg: monthly) list of open STs or items worked on this term?"
  • "when your students ask us to do significant projects, would you like to be notified for approval?"
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Topic revision: r1 - 2013-05-02 - LawrenceFolland
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