accounts-client command

Run the accounts-client program


accounts-client {hostname, eg:cs-general.cs.private} >& ~/hostname-date &

This will cause the desired changes to actually happen on the appropriate machine (hostname; what is described as "Computing:" in the sponsor file, which may in turn affect a region of machines). /etc/passwd and /etc/group file will be updated if necessary, as will system quota files, and home directories will be created for any newly-created users. The diagnostic output from the job will be written to the given filename in your home directory. eg:

   accounts-client softbase.cs >& ~/softbase-20100208 &
If your changes will cause changes on multiple regions, you will need to run the command for each. eg:
   accounts-client student.cs >& ~/student-20100208 &
   accounts-client cs-general.cs.private >& ~/cs-general-20100208 &
If you run accounts-client with no name, all known regions are updated. eg:
   accounts-client >& ~/ac-all-20100208 &
That can take a long time to finish.

Path to the "accounts-client" command

If you don't happen to have the maintenance commands in your path, the path to the accounts-client command is:

Updating Directory Services Domains

Once the sponsor_resources process has run and files under /software/accounts-master/data/resources/computing/have been updated, CSCF Directory Services domains are subsequently updated by cron job. User and group information are revised based upon the information stored in specific files found in the resources/computing subdirectory. At time of writing (Feb 2017), the Directory Services updates are run following the schedule below.
  1. CS-GENERAL domain: 20 minutes past the hour
    • Using the cs-general.cs.private and serverus.cs files.
  2. CS-TEACHING domain: 50 minutes past the hour
    • Using the cs-teaching.cs.private and canadenis.student.cs files.

To force a domain update to run immediately, run the following commands on the xhier admin machine (cs-xh-admin) as root user:

  1. For CS-GENERAL domain:# /software/
  2. For CS-TEACHING domain:# /software/

-- AdrianPepper - 14 Aug 2014

See Also



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