Laptop Loaner Program – Procedures for Help Desk
This guide is for Help Desk personnel who will be involved in the LaptopLendingProgram. Any major changes made to this guide should be recorded in ST#91835, or a new ST should be created and linked.
About the laptops
We will be using the most current version of laptop we have available from the School Pool of Laptops.
The laptop is a Lenovo T430s configured with:
- Intel iCore5, 2.6ghz, 8gb ram, 500gb hd, 14" display 1600 x 900. Model # 2353-9LU.
- Running Windows 7 Enterprise (64 bit) and Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (64 bit)
Changes/additions made to the Standard School Pool Laptops:
- Addition of local administrative account for the loanee to use. Password to be updated/changed by Help desk before handing over laptop.
- Software added to Windows 7: DrRacket, VirtualBox, and iClicker 5.5.x
- Software added to Ubuntu 12.04: ctags, and cscope
For more image details, and a full list of software, see
x2intel004- notes.
The laptops will be stored in DC2560G (The Hardware Lab), back shelving area. Laptops good to go will have a red sticker on the bezel and a removable label listing what image file was used to setup the laptop.
When loaning a laptop, the usual bits & pieces given are:
•laptop •power adapter •cable lock (code set to '0000') •mouse •7ft network patch cable •laptop bag
(If the loanee doesn't want a particular bit or piece, just make note of it in the ST request what they did take)
Before handing out laptop
Go through the following list before handing the loaner laptop to the user:
- Create an ST to record the instance (or use an existing relevant ST)
- Record the following information in the ST (Note All of the following can be recorded easily by using the Checkout feature in Inventory - preferred method):
- User’s name and userid (if unsure, confirm this information by requesting to view their Watcard and verify their existence in WatIAM)
- Why the user needs the laptop – will it be a short term loan (i.e. the user’s laptop just broke and they need one for a lecture in 30 minutes) or long term (to be used for the entire term for instruction)
- The barcode of the laptop to be loaned out
- The time/date the laptop is to be returned
- Change the ‘cs-instructor’ account password so the user can access the laptop. Password is updated yearly, for the FallXX term. Password can be found in the password box under "CS-Laptop Loaner Program". This account should have administrative privileges. For long term loans, you can create a new account for the user (or they can create one). The laptops will be dual boot with Windows 7 and Ubuntu – make sure to change or create userids in both systems
- If given time, update Windows 7 and Ubuntu, as well as the virus definitions for the antivirus installed on both operating systems
- If applicable, install requested software onto the laptop
- Check out laptop in inventory
After laptop has been returned
Go through the following list after receiving the loaned laptop from the user:
- Ensure the correct laptop and any cables or accessories are retuned in the same condition they were leant out
- Check in the laptop in inventory
- Make a note in the ST that the laptop was returned, and close the ST
- Return the laptop to Phil (Philip Beldowski []) for him to re-image
Sample email if laptop is not returned on due date
Dear John,
A laptop has been loaned out to you on Monday, December 2nd, 2013.
This laptop is a Lenovo T430s with barcode CS001234. This laptop
was due back on Friday, November 29th, 2013. Please return this
laptop as soon as possible.
If there is something causing a delay or you require the laptop
for a longer period of time, please let me know and we will
adjust the due date.
Kind regards,
Robert Komaromi
CSCF Help Desk
WG Davis Centre, Room 2608
519-888-4567 ext. 31100