Meeting 2016-07-15 10:30 DC3126
  • Attendance: ldpaniak, a2brenna, nfish


  • Demo of NextCloud and Seafile web interfaces
  • Deployment and details of Ceph on Ubuntu 16.04

NextCloud and Seafile demo delayed: no network access from wifi, proxy not functioning.


Edit the file /etc/auto.misc and at the line below to the end of the file

ceph       -fstype=ceph,name=cephfs,secretfile=/etc/ceph/client.cephfs,noatime
Now edit the file /etc/auto.master and add the line below to the end of the file

/mnt    /etc/auto.misc --timeout 60
Restart the autofs service

# service autofs restart

  • RBD makes effective use of read cache from OSD RAM
  • Ceph has 16.04 repo, no PPA:
    • Probably stick with Ceph version shipping with 16.04
  • New RBD disk format in 16.04 version. Shipping client does not support new format. Requires 4.5+ kernel on client. New client supports cluster locking.
  • Ceph supports access control for users on pools not RBD (~targets).
  • Crush map supports failure domains to identify machines/rooms
  • ceph-w software for monitoring

General Ceph support for containers: Ceph pool -> RBD - LXC server /var/lib/lxc metadata for targets on CephFS share for all possible container hosts -> Find LXC RBD and lock with scripts -> map target to local block device -> mount block dev at /var/lib/lxc/container_name for container use

To do:

  • a2brenna to polish scripts for container support and document in twiki.
  • a2brenna to create 3x containers with storage on Ceph cluster: 1x for NextCloud, 1x for Seafile, 1x filesystem testing
  • consider reconfiguration of OSD drive backend from monolithic RADI6 to individual drives from erasure coding testing.

-- LoriPaniak - 2016-07-16

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Topic revision: r1 - 2016-07-16 - LoriPaniak
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