CSCF Purchasing procedures

The following describes a proposed procedure for ordering equipment, in order to facilitate receiving the equipment, filing of paperwork and making sure everyone who needs copies of PO's, etc gets them

Gather information from the purchaser

Fill out Purchase Requisition (PR)

  • a separate Purchase Request is required for each supplier
  • Fill out the form as follows:
    • Supplier: fill in supplier's name and contact information
    • Comments: include ST#
    • Line items: fill in as much detail about each item as possible, including model numbers, configuration numbers, etc.
    • Requestor: fill in your name as the Requestor. This means you will receive a copy of the Purchase Order. A copy of that should be forwarded to the person buying the equipment as well as to the ST itself (eg: rt-em-gw+#####@cs). Also, this is the name that will appear on the package when it is delivered
    • Deliver To: Fill in the principal person's name who is paying for the equipment (eg: the Researcher's name, or ??? for CS purchases)
    • Room Number: fill in DC 2560G to have all equipment arrive in our Hardware Lab
    • Account Number(s): ask the purchaser what account code to use (if known)
    • Signature: the PR must be signed by the account holder
    • fill in research purpose (if for research) - this reduces the tax portion. Also, include special considerations for purchase (eg: sole source) if appropriate.

  • You can also fill out the Purchase Requisition online here:
    • you can attach a supporting quote, if relevant
    • enter the fields much as described above. Note that the Account code will be verified as you enter it
    • forward a copy of the PR to the ST at rt-em-gw+#####@cs (send in plain text and HTML, if asked)
    • HINT everyone can read PDF files - so convert to PDF if you can
      • In Linux you can install cups-pdf and print to PDF
      • In Windows use Acrobat or a free utility like PDF Creator

Submit the PR

  • For printed PRs, two copies of the PR are sent to Procurement Services (Purchasing). These can be sent via interoffice mail or walked over to East Campus Hall, if urgent. They can also be faxed over, with originals to follow. Include copies of quotes when required. One copy of the PR stays, to be filed.

File the PR in DC 2560G

  • PRs and associated quotes or other paperwork should be put in a file under the Requestors name (ie: the CSCF staff person doing the ordering)

Process the Purchase Order (PO) when it arrives

  • once you receive a copy of the PO, print a copy and attach it to the PR filed in DC 2560G
  • forward a copy to the person ordering the equipment and a copy to the ST (rt-em-gw+####@cs)

Process order when it arrives

  • when Central Stores delivers a box to DC 2560G, someone will need to sign for it (not as much anymore)
  • the receiving person can either contact the Requestor (written on the box) to let them know that it has arrived so that they can process the item
  • open the items and affix barcodes. Enter the PO and other relevant information into the inventory database.

File paperwork

This section needs to be reviewed in light of the lack of inventory staff:

  • file the paperwork in the active accounts files in DC 2560G, under the "Deliver To" name (typically a faculty member's name). They may also wish to scan copies for their own use.
  • a copy of all paperwork needs to be forwarded to the Financial Administrator of the account

Rotation of files

  • active files will be kept for current and previous fiscal years. Older records should be moved to a different location, within CSCF, but outside of DC2560G (possibly Jennifer or Paul's office???)

List of Object Codes

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Topic revision: r12 - 2012-09-06 - BillInce
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