- id
- The id of the row in the database (incremented for every subscription added, all unique)
- faculty
- The faculty members supported with the subscription
- faculty_contact
- The faculty member who is the contact for this subscription
- financial_administrator
- The CSCF staff administrator for this group
- grads
- Grad students supported by the subscription
- labmanager
- Usually a grad student who acts as an intermediary for the group and is responsible for most day-to-day issues
- machines
- Computers that are supported by the subscription
- mfcf_supportinfo
- URL of an automated page that lists machines for this group according to the MFCF/CSCF inventory system
- name
- Full name of the group that owns the support (ex. AI Group)
- notes
- Other notes regarding the subscription
- pointofcontact
- The CSCF staff person assigned as the Point of Contact
- printers
- Printers covered by the subscription
- subscription_code
- The subscription code of the subscription (All unique)
- currently starts with "dd-" for dedicated subscriptions, or "dk-" for desktop subscriptions
- ends with "-1" for paid subscriptions, or "-0" for unpaid / temporary subscriptions
- subscription_type
- The type of subscription (Desktop or Dedicated)
- units
- The number of units ordered
- For Dedicated subscriptions, the units represent roughly 14 hours per term
- For Desktop subscriptions, it is one unit per machine covered
- website
- The website of the group (if known)
- Note
- These fields are the same as above, they are just the md5checksum of them for the exception of id, that is the connector between the two tables. This is done so that if one person edits the subscription at the same time as someone else they wont just overwrite each other. It will make the second person to submit their edits look at what the other person has done first.
- id
- faculty
- faculty_contact
- financial_administrator
- grads
- labmanager
- machines
- mfcf_supportinfo
- name
- notes
- pointofcontact
- printers
- subscription_code
- subscription_type
- units
- website
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-- RyanGoggin - 11 Mar 2005