MikeGore - 2015-10-29
Immediately Post-Imaging
- Do NOT restart the computer except where noted
Perform Initial Setup
- Boot, Windows will perform first run setup, may take a while (will install drivers)
- Will then reboot
- Windows' Set Up Windows wizard will appear
- Page One:
- Country or region: Canada, Time and Currency: English(Canada), Keyboard Layout:US (Leave all as defaults)
- Page Two:
- Username: Temp (the userid will be deleted later on)
- Computer name: eg: rsg-pc070 -> Next
- Page three:
- Password: use cscf-op or cscf-adm password
- Hint: "2015 cscf-op" (or whatever is relevant)
- Page Four:
- Accept the license -> Next
- Page Five:
- Install Important Updates Only
- Page Six:
- Set Time zone: UTC-05:00 Eastern Time (US & Canada)
- Check box: Automatically adjust clock for daylight savings time
- Check Date/Time: Adjust if necessary -> Next
- Page Seven: (Only if Wireless card present)
- If asked about connecting to a wireless network -> Click Skip
- Page Seven / Seven.One:
- Setup Will continue after restarting
Activate Windows and Office
- Activate Windows
- Try first to activate automatically
- If Asked on boot
- Click Activate Now
- Click Activate Windows online now
- Click close
- Otherwise
- Start -> Control Panel -> System and Security -> System
- At the bottom, Click the link to Activate Windows
- Click Activate Windows online now
- Click close
- If windows 7 will NOT activate we will switch to the Sampus Key Server
- Switch to the Campus Key server
- Access the licenses file (access restricted to CSCF staff)
- Start Menu -> Search \\asimov\images (use cscf-adm or cscf-op user with 2014 password when prompted)
- File: SITE_LICENSES/licenses.txt
- Look for the section Windows 7 Enterprise x32 and x64 using Campus Key Management Servers
- Open and Administrative Command Prompt
- Start Menu -> Accessories -> Right Click on Command Prompt -> Run As Administrator
- slmgr.vbs /ipk XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX (replace XXXX... with the license key from the licenses.txt file)
- Activate Office
- Open Microsoft Word
- Click OK
- Install Update Only
- File -> Help -> Activate
Correct Hardware Detection Problems
- If Screen resolution is too low (Looks really bad)
- Start -> Control Panel -> Adjust Screen Resolution
- Change resolution to the highest one -> click apply
- Windows will change the resolution and ask if you want to keep it:
- If the screen goes black, wait 15 seconds
- Try the next highest and repeat
- If the box shows up, and the lettering looks normal -> Click "Keep Changes"
- If the lettering looks funny (out of proportion) try the next highest and repeat
- CLose the Control Panel
Update Software
- If at any point Windows Update pops up a box in the lower right asking to restart the computer
- change 10 minutes to 4 hours, click postpone
- If Java Updater Requests permission
- Click Yes
- When the balloon appears on the Java icon click it
- Click Install
- Click Install (Again!)
- Wait a few minutes for Java to install
- If it asks about install Extras (e.g. Ask Toolbar)
- Uncheck the Box marked install
- Click Next
- Java will now install, wait patiently
- Click Close
Finish With Windows Update And Clean Up
- Windows Update may appear asking to restart
- Click Restart now
- Wait patiently while the computer restarts
- Note: If the Force close option comes up listing Windows Update, wait, it will close on its own
- If Windows Update does not appear (if it has not shown up after about five minutes, it's not going to), then log out
- Click Start
- Hover over the arrow next to shutdown
- Click Log out
- Windows may reboot several times
- Windows will show to the login screen
- Login as either cscf-op or cscf-admin
- Delete the Temp account
- Open Start -> Control Panel -> User Accounts and Family Safety -> Add or remove user accounts
- Click on Temp
- Click Delete the account -> Delete Files -> Delete Account
- Close the Control Panel
- Shutdown the computer or reboot into Linux (Done!)
Before Deploying for a known userid
For use in AD
- Add user to local Administrators group as cscf-adm
For use not in AD
- login as an administrator
- create a new user, make them an Administrator
Setup networking
update inventory
- remove old machines and equipment
- add new machine
-- DennisBellinger - 25 Jun 2012