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Method 2 (Old, deprecated)
Configure your Mac to report its hostname
(Perhaps only necessary for some Macs, new ones with proper DNS, DHCP setup will respond correctly to a hostname command - you should see the DNS name, NOT the "friendly.local" name)
sudo scutil --set HostName hostname.cs
sudo scutil --set HostName cscfmac01.cscf
NOTE: can even do this as root via Apple Remote Desktop Unix script command, and verify with hostname command
(You may have to restart to get this to apply)
Add the printer
- Add printer through the GUI:
- Protocol - LPD
- Address - print.cs
- Queue - lj_cs (for the pool, or one of the synonyms), lpc_dc2325 for Director's colour printer
- Print using - HP Laserjet 4100 Series v etc
- Options - it has a duplexer
- Click - Add
Request that you can print from your machine
- send email to accounts@cs with your username and machine name
- our Macs are not in the host-equivalent files for printing, so both username and hostname have to match
- to verify: ssh to eg cpu102.cs, login if necessary, then lpquota to see which queues you have quota for as yourself, and for your machine
Method 3 (Old, deprecated)
What follows is extremely evil. There may or may not be a way to accomplish this using only the GUI.
- open up Terminal
- type
sudo tcsh
(this will give you a root shell)
- add a queue:
lpadmin -p lj_cs -v lpd:// -D 'main CS printers' -L DC2320
lpadmin -p lj_cs -E
- set default printer:
lpadmin -d lj_cs
- you can do
lpstat -t
to look at some output
Once that's done, you need to go into the printer control panel thingie (the GUI, I don't know what Apple call it). You should see a printer there called "main CS printers" - it'll be typed as something like "local raw printer". You want to change the printer type to the HP Laserjet 4100 Series.
Again: this is extremely evil, partially because if you print cover pages they'll go to a different printer. I think that this is because we have to use the lj_cs queue, which tries to load balance between printers, and I have suspected for quite some time that what happens is the Mac sends the cover page and the document itself as two different jobs.
Arthur says that is truly evil. He suggests you check his notes: AddingMacintoshNetworkPrinters
Printing duplex mode (after any of these setup methods)
- You may have to explicitly add a "check" in the printer setup to say the printer has a duplexer installed
- In any application choose File -> Print
- in the dialog box, select "Layout" (underneath "Printer" and "Presets")
- click on "Two-sided" and choose either "Off" or "Long-edge" binding"