Course Notes

Course Notes


All official documents can be found on LEARN . Please be sure to check LEARN daily for up to date announcements, errata and files including an up-to-date version of the course notes, sample exams, assignments and their solutions.

Below are both typed version and the hand written versions of the notes. The typed version are intended to be a typed version of the hand written notes (but might contain typos). The handwritten notes were notes I used for my Fall 2015 classes. I've also included a typed version of all notes as well as all the handouts I used in class. A zip package of all the files is also available if you would like to reproduce these.



In Lecture 11, there is a mistake in the written notes. I argue that 0 < m-n < 1. However, the lower bound could be as bad as -1. This would give that m=n which is a contradiction. This is fixed in the typed notes.

Note: Lectures 20 and 21 might be swapped. I prefer doing EEA on midterm day.

This webpage's accessibility was made possible by a Mathematics Endowment Fund grant.