Final Exam Resources

Final Exam Resources


All official documents can be found on LEARN . Please be sure to check LEARN daily for up to date announcements, errata and files including an up-to-date version of the course notes, sample exams, assignments and their solutions.


In the past, I have used my Twitch account cbruni to stream a livestream review for the midterm and/or the final exam. The reasons for choosing this media are severalfold: I do not need to reserve a classroom, I can do this at non-standard hours, the broadcast is recorded so if you miss it you can see a replay, students usually ask more questions because it's anonymous and overall I have more fun doing it. Such announcements of events will be posted on Piazza. Please email me at if you would like to be a moderator.


Final Exam Review Questions

This webpage's accessibility was made possible by a Mathematics Endowment Fund grant.