All official documents can be found on LEARN . Please be sure to check LEARN daily for up to date announcements, errata and files including an up-to-date version of the course notes, sample exams, assignments and their solutions. 
In the past, I have used my Twitch account cbruni to stream a livestream review for the midterm and/or the final exam. The reasons for choosing this media are severalfold: I do not need to reserve a classroom, I can do this at non-standard hours, the broadcast is recorded so if you miss it you can see a replay, students usually ask more questions because it's anonymous and overall I have more fun doing it. Such announcements of events will be posted on Piazza. Please email me at if you would like to be a moderator. 
Randomized extra practice problems from the entire course (Fall 2015).  
Randomized extra practice problems from the entire course (Revised Fall 2016).  
Randomized extra practice problems from the entire course (Old Fall 2016).  
Reminder that the current version of the above practice problems (as well as other important information) can be found on LEARN  
Video Recording of Livestream. (I recommend right clicking and downloading this file)  
Math Exam Resources Page (a project I worked on when I was a graduate student!)