Technical Interview Workshops

What are Technical Interview Workshops?

Technical Interview Workshops help prepare students for technical interviews for co-op jobs, internships, or full-time positions after graduation. You can think of technical interviews as oral exams about your technical knowledge, and questions can cover details about programming languages, OO design, data structures and algorithms. It is best to prepare for such interviews in advance rather than go into them cold.

Technical Interview Prep Session

Feeling nervous about upcoming interviews? Or perhaps you feel out of practice with your job interview skills?

As a University of Waterloo Computer Science student, you know your stuff. But it helps to have practiced answering interview-like questions so that:

  • You can answer questions quickly and confidently
  • You are up on content covered throughout your studies here (and not just on content from this term’s courses)
  • You demonstrate to the interviewer that you cared enough about their interview to prepare for it

At the kickoff event, advice for technical interviews is presented; sources include Gayle Laakman McDowell's Cracking the Coding Interview, and volunteer facilitators' own experiences. Workshop participants are then able to apply those tips by answering practice technical interview questions.

After the kickoff event, follow-up sessions will be held for additional practice. Participants will be split into groups based on experience and solve more practice technical interview questions together.

At the end of the Fall and Winter terms, a mock-interview event is co-hosted by WiCS and Google, normally held at the Google office in Kitchener. This event allows for students to learn about technical interviews from industry professionals and take part in mock interviews held by Google.

Who can attend the Technical Interview Workshops?

The target audience for the Technical Interview Workshops is female-identifying Computer Science students.

When and where are the workshops held?

The kickoff event is typically held after the opening of main round in WaterlooWorks. Subsequent workshops are then held biweekly afterwards; after six weeks, the final mock interview event is then held.

Why should I attend a workshop?

Technical Interview skills are crucial to getting a job in computing. These workshops provide useful hands-on experience answering technical questions - from first approaching the question, to coding on a whiteboard, to clearly communicating the solution.

How do I attend a workshop?

All WiCS events are governed by the WiCS Code of Conduct:

As a first year, it was a great opportunity to have a chance to know ahead what we should expect for future interviews. Thank you for holding these events!

[The Mock Interview Event provided] information on the typical process of interviewing at Google, and it gave me confidence in my own technical skills and knowledge on how to prepare for future technical interviews.