School committees

School of Computer Science committee membership is appointed annually. For detailed information about the governance of the School and its committees see SharePoint.

Committee Chair Administrative Support
Computer Science Council Dan Vogel Tracy Dietrich
Awards Tamer Özsu Joe Petrik
Commons Gregor Richards TBD
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee (EDI) Dan Berry TBD
Graduate Khuzaima Daudjee Graduate Office
Graduate Recruiting Dan Vogel Recruitment Coordinator
Peer Teaching Martin Karsten Tracy Dietrich
School Advisory Committee on Appointments (SACA) Stephen Mann,
Olga Veksler
Kimberley Beckman, Tracy Dietrich
Tenure and Promotion Raouf Boutaba Tracy Dietrich
Undergraduate Academic Plans Ondřej Lhoták Undergraduate Office
Undergraduate Recruiting Carmen Bruni Recruitment Coordinator
Women in Computer Science (WiCS) Jo Atlee, Edith Law Tammy Vucicevich

Committee mandates

Computer Science Council: Administrative matters that require approval of the school shall be brought before the Computer Science Council. The chair of council, who is appointed by the director of the school, shall solicit agenda items from all members of the school and announce the agenda in advance of each meeting. Minutes shall be distributed afterwards. Council meetings shall normally be held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 3:30 p.m. If there are insufficient agenda items, the chair of council may cancel the meeting. If a motion requires an immediate vote between meetings, the chair of council may call for a vote by email.

Awards Committee: Considers candidates for faculty and student awards and may prepare nomination materials. Awards are celebrated at the School’s Annual Award ceremony. 

Commons Committee: Responsible for fostering community spirit in the School.

EDIC: Advocates for all groups seeking equity, based on, but not limited to, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, and variations in capabilities. In collaboration and consultation with other committees in SCS, EDIC works towards the goals of recruiting and retaining diverse faculty, staff, and students and of fostering an inclusive environment.

Graduate Recruiting Committee: Responsible for all matters related to recruiting students to Computer Science graduate programs.

Graduate Committee: Responsible for all matters related to graduate students studies in Computer Science. This committee organizes the following 6 working committees: 

  • Scholarships: Responsible for award of scholarships to graduate students.
  • Annual review: Responsible for the annual review of the performance of graduate students.
  • Pool admission: Responsible for proposing changes to graduate admissions procedures.
  • Website review: Responsible for proposing changes to graduate web pages.
  • Online teaching: Responsible for investigating online teaching of graduate courses.
  • Admissions: Responsible for aiding the Associate Director of Graduate studies in admission decisions.

Peer Teaching: Performs peer teaching evaluations. In 2011, the School decided to form a committee to do these evaluations, to ensure some consistency and experience among the evaluating faculty.

SACA: Responsible for recruiting new faculty members who will hold regular appointments, with a structure and mandate subject to University Policy #76.

Tenure and Promotion Committee: Considers re-appointment, promotion, and tenure for all faculty members, with a structure and mandate subject to University Policy #77

Undergraduate Academic Plans Committee: Responsible for overseeing the maintenance and development of the undergraduate curriculum for the School of Computer Science. The committee manages the degree requirements of the various major and minor plans in Computer Science, and the calendar descriptions of Computer Science courses.

Undergraduate Recruiting Committee: Responsible for all matters related to recruiting students to Computer Science undergraduate programs.

WiCS: Responsible in building an environment in the School of Computer Science where women are supported in their work and studies. To ensure that young women entering university see computer science as an option. To connect to outside organizations and events for women in computer science.