Computer Science Computing Facility (CSCF)
The Computer Science Computing Facility (CSCF) is the primary technology integrator and computing service provider for the School of Computer Science at the University of Waterloo. CSCF users (faculty, staff, students) are assigned specific points of contact within CSCF through whom they may obtain technical support. The CSCF Advisory Committee reviews computing support related items. CSCF is managed by the Director of Infrastructure together with the CSCF management team.

Instructional Support Group (ISG)
The Instructional Support Group (ISG) is an integral part of the School of Computer Science. ISG comprises Instructional Support Coordinators (ISCs), Instructor/Coordinators, Instructional Support Assistants (ISAs), Teaching Assistants (TAs), and Instructional Apprentices (IAs). ISG is managed by the Undergraduate Studies Manager.