Table of non-CS courses
Course | Area | Course title/special topic # | Level |
ACC 770 | credit, no area | Finance I (X-listed with ACSCI 970) | 700 |
ACTSC 846 | Scientific Computation | Math of Financial Markets | 600 |
ACTSCi 970 | credit, no area | Finance I | 700 |
ACTSCI 971 | credit, no area | Finance 2 | 700 |
ACTSCI 974 | Scientific Computation | Financial Econometrics | 800 |
AMATH 740 |
Scientific Computation | Numerical Analysis (held with CS 770, if full use AMATH 740) | 700 |
AMATH 753 | Scientific Computation | Advanced Partial Differential Equations | 700 |
AMATH 777 | credit, no area | Stochastic Processes in the Physical Sciences | 700 |
AMATH 900 | Bioinformatics | # 20 Mathematical Biology | 800 |
CM 740 | Algorithms & Complexity | Fundamentals of Optimization | 700 |
CM 750 | Scientific Computation | Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations | 700 |
CM 761 | Scientific Computation | Computational Inference (cross-listed with STAT 840) | 600 |
CM 763 | Computational Stats | Statistical Learning - Classification | 600 |
CM 764 | Computational Stats | Statistical Learning - Function Estimation | 600 |
CM 770 | Scientific Computation | Numerical Analysis (held with CS 770, use if full) | 700 |
CO 602 | Algorithms & Complexity | Fundamentals of Optimization | 700 |
CO 642 | Only if supervisor requires for research | Graph Theory | 700 |
CO 644 | Algorithms | Algebraic Graph Theory | 700 |
CO 650 | Algorithms & Complexity | Combinatorial Optimization | 700 |
CO 652 | Algorithms & Complexity | Integer Programming | 700 |
CO 663 | Algorithms & Complexity | Convex Optimization & Analysis | 700 |
CO 664 | Algorithms & Complexity | Quadratic Programming | 700 |
CO 666 | Symbolic & Scientific Comp | Continuous Optimization | 700 |
CO 671 | Scientific Computation | Semidefinite Optimization | 700 |
CO 685 | Algorithms & Complexity | Public Key Cryptography | 700 |
CO 687 | Algorithms & Complexity | Applied Cryptography | 600 |
CO 739 | Algorithms & Complexity | #15 Info Theory & Applications | 700 |
CO 739 | Algorithms & Complexity | #23 Prob Mthd & Random Algorithm | 700 |
CO 749 | Algorithms & Complexity | #4 Combinatorics of Finite Sets | 700 |
CO 749 | Algorithms & Complexity | #5 Toplogical Methods In Combinatorics | 700 |
CO 749 | Algorithms & Complexity | #6 Graph Colouring | 700 |
CO 749 | Algorithms & Complexity | #11 Random Graph Theory | 700 |
CO 750 | Algorithms & Complexity | Randomized Algorithms | 700 |
CO 750 | Algorithms & Complexity | Approximation Algorithms | 700 |
CO 754 | Algorithms & Complexity | Approximation Algorithms in CO | 700 |
CO 759 | Artificial Intelligence | #1 Algorithmic Game Theory | 700 |
CO 759 | Algorithms & Complexity | #4 Computational Discrete Optimization | 700 |
CO 759 | Computational Stats | Deep Learning in Computational Discrete Optimization | 700 |
CO 769 | Artificial Intelligence / Sci Com | Optimization for Big Data (Fall 2014) | 700 |
CO 781 | Algorithms & Complexity | #3 Quantum Algorithms | 800 |
CO 781 | Quantum Computing | #11 Recent Advances in Quantum Information | 700 |
CO 789 | Algorithms & Complexity | Topics in Cryptography (Fall 2015) | 700 |
CO 789 | Algorithms & Complexity | Topics in Cryptography: Lattice-based cryptography (Winter 2019) | 700 |
CO 789 | Algorithms & Complexity | Topics in Cryptography: Cryptographic Protocols | 700 |
COGSCI 600 | Artificial Intelligence | Seminar in Cognitive Science | 800 |
ECE 602 | Algorithms & Complexity | Introduction to optimization | 700 |
ECE 604 | no area | Stochastic Processes | 700 |
ECE 605 | Algorithms & Complexity | Queueing Systems | 700 |
ECE 610 | Systems & Networking |
Broadband Communication Networks Antirequisite: CS 656 | 700 |
ECE 611 | no area | Digital Communications | 700 |
ECE 612 | Algorithms & Complexity | Information Theory | 700 |
ECE 613 | Scientific Computation | Image Processing and Visual Communication | 700 |
ECE 628 | Systems & Networking | Computer Network Security | 700 |
ECE 650 | Software Engineering | Methods and Tools for Software Engineering | 600 |
ECE 651 | Software Engineering | Foundations of Software Engineering | 600 |
ECE 652 | Software Engineering | Safety-critical Real-time Software | 700 |
ECE 653 | Software Engineering | Software Test/Qual Assur/Maint | 600 |
ECE 657A | Databases | Data and Knowledge Modeling and Analysis | 600 |
ECE 658 | Software Engineering | Component Based Software | 600 |
ECE 659 | Hardware & Software Systems | Intelligent Sensors and Wireless Sensor Networks | 700 |
ECE 668 | no area | Distribution System Engineering | 700 |
ECE 682 | Scientific Computation | Multivariable Control Systems | 600 |
ECE 686 | Scientific Computation | Filtering & Control of Stochastic Linear Systems | 600 |
ECE 700 | Algorithms & Complexity | Game Theory with Eng App | 600 |
ECE 700 | Algorithms & Complexity | # 2 Introduction to Optimization | 700 |
ECE 710 | Algorithms & Complexity | #4 Sequence Design and Cryptography | 700 |
ECE 710 | Sci Com | #13 Image Processing & Visual Communications | 700 |
ECE 710 | Software Engineering | #2 Software Reliability Engineering | 700 |
ECE 710 | Hardware & Software Systems | Topics Commun & Inform Theory | 700 |
ECE 720 | Software Engineering | #5 Cyber-Physical Ssytems | 800 |
ECE 720 | Hardware & Software Systems | #6 FPGA Based ReconFigurable Comp | 700 |
ECE 750 | Software Engineering | Automated Program Verification | 700 |
ECE 750 | Systems & Networking | #5 Dist.& Ntwrk Centric Comp | 700 |
ECE 750 | SE / PLG / Sci Com | #9 Generative Software Development | 700 |
ECE 750 | Hardware & Software Systems | #10 Distributed Systems | 700 |
ECE 750 | Computational Stats | #17 Data & Knowledge Modelling & Analysis | 700 |
ECE 750 | Programming Languages | #20 Static Analysis for Soft Eng | 800 |
ECE 750 | Hardware & Software Systems | #21 Intelligent Sensors & Sensor Networks | 700 |
ECE 750 | Software Engineering |
#24 Bug Detection & Tolerance -- replaced by ECE 754 (below) | 700 |
ECE 750 | Artificial Intelligence | #16 Tools of Intelligent Systems | 700 |
ECE 750 | Sci Com | #26 Methods & Tools for Software Eng | 700 |
ECE 750 | Software Engineering/ Programming Lang | #28 Computer Aided Reasoning | 700 |
ECE 750 | Artificial Intelligence | #36 Foundations of Multi-agent systems | 600 |
ECE 754 | Software Engineering | Software Bug Detection & Tolerance | 800 |
ECE 755 | Software Engineering/ Hardware & Software Systems | Safety-critical Real-time Embedded Software | 700 |
ECE 668 | Hardware & Software Systems | Distribution System Engineering | 700 |
ECE 780 | Artificial Intelligence | #8 Motion Coord'n & Planning | 700 |
ENGL 791 | Graphics & User Interfaces | Professional Writing (must incl. programming) | 700 |
ENGL 795 | Artificial Intelligence | Ontologies for Humanities | 600 |
MSCI 601 | Graphics & User interfaces | Research Methods in the Mgmt Sciences | 700 |
MSCI 641 | Artificial Intelligence | Text Analytics | 800 |
MSCI 700 | Artificial Intelligence | #33 Game Theory & Recent Applications | 700 |
MSCI 720 | Databases | #11 Information Retrieval Systems | 600 |
MSCI 720 | Graphics & User Interfaces | #27 Serious and Persuasive Games | 700 |
MSCI 720 | Databases | #26 Data Warehousing and Analysis | 700 |
MSCI 720 | Databases | #35 Educational Data Mining | 700 |
MSCI 720 | HCI | #37 Topics in Info & Info Systems | 700 |
MSCI 724 | Artificial Intelligence | Design and Analysis of Information Procurement Mechanisms | 800 |
PHS 603 | MHI elective | Health Policy in Public Health | 600 |
PHS 605 | MHI elective | Biostatistics In Public Health | 600 |
PHS 663 | NOT an MHI elective | Human Development and Health | 600 |
PHY 752 | Bioinformatics | Molecular Biophysics | 600 |
PHY 771 | Consult Director of Graduate Studies | Special Lecture and Reading Course (various topics) | |
PMATH 701 | No area | Graduate Algebra | 700 |
PMATH 900 | Scientific & Symbolic Computation | #9 Grobner Bases | 800 |
PMATH 930 | Algorithms & Complexity | Topics in Logic - Computability Theory | 700 |
PSYCH 784 | Artificial Intelligence | Human Neuroanatomy and Neuropathology | 600 |
PYSCH 887 | Research Methods in Industrial/Organizational | 800 | |
QIC 890 | Quantum Information | #4 Selected Advanced Topics in QI (S11) | 700 |
QIC 890 | Quantum Information | #8 Theory of Quantum Information | 700 |
QIC 890 | Quantum Information | #10 Recent Advances in Quantum Information | 700 |
STAT 830 | Algorithms & Complexity | Experimental Design | 600 |
STAT 831 | Artificial Intelligence | Generalized Linear Models and Applications | 600 |
STAT 833 | Scientific & Symbolic Computation | Stochastic Processes | 700 |
STAT 840 | Computational Stats | Computational Inference (held with STAT 440) | 600 |
STAT 841 | Computational Stats | Statistical Learning - Classification | 600 |
STAT 842 | Computational Stats | Data Visualiation | 600 |
STAT 844 | Computational Stats | Statistical Learning - Function Estimation | 600 |
STAT 847 | Computational Stats | Exploratory Data Analysis (course only open to Data Science students) | 600 |
STAT 850 | Computational Stats | Estimation and Hypothesis Testing | 600 |
STAT 854 | Computational Stats | Sampling Theory and Practice | 700 |
STAT 901 | No area | Theory of Probability | 800 |
STAT 929 | Computational Stats | Time Series 1 | 800 |
STAT 931 | Computational Stats |
Causal Inference and Epidemiological Studies | 800 |
STAT 938 | (MHI elective) | Statistical Consulting | 800 |
STAT 940 | Computational Stats | Deep Learning | 800 |
STAT 946 | Artificial Intelligence | #13 Kernels & Ensembles | 800 |
STAT 946 | Scientific Computation | #14 Machine Learning | 800 |
STAT 946 | Computational Stats | #30 Deep Learning | 800 |
STAT 946 | Computational Stats | #37 Advanced Bayesian Computing | 800 |
STAT 974 | Scientific Computation | Financial Econometrics | 800 |
SYDE 642 | Artificial Intelligence | Cognitive Engineering Methods | 600 |
SYDE 675 | Computational Stats | Pattern Recognition | 700 |
SYDE 677 | no area | Computer Vision | 700 |
SYDE 750 | Bioinformatics | #8 Simulating Neurobiological Systems | 700 |
SYDE 770 | Scientific Computation | #4 Statistical Image Processing | 700 |
SYDE 770 | Scientific Computation | #2 System Modelling & Design | 700 |
SYDE 770 | Computational Stats | Deep Learning | 700 |
Table of CS special topic courses
Course | Area | Course title/special topic # | Level |
CS 692 | None | Social Implications of Computation | 600 |
CS 698 | Artificial Intelligence | Computational Vision | 600 |
CS 698 | Graphics/ User Interfaces | Human-Computer Interaction | 600 |
CS 698 | Algorithms | Complexity of Computational Problems | 600 |
CS 698 | Databases | Big Data Infrastructure | 600 |
CS 698 | Artificial Intelligence | #14 Computational Audio | 600 |
CS 698 | Computational Statistics | Machine Learning | 600 |
CS 698 | Artificial Intelligence/Computational Statistics (Fall 2017 only) | Intro to Machine Learning | 600 |
CS 698 | Artificial Intelligence | Rhetoric, Argument and Machines | 600 |
CS 758 | Cryptography/Algorithms | Cryptography/Network Security (Stinson) | 700 |
CS 794 | Computational Statistics / Scientific and Symbolic Computing | Optimization for Data Science | 700 |
CS 798 | Systems / Algorithms | #19 Math Fnds of Comp. Ntwrking (Wong W11) | 700 |
CS 798 | Systems/ Scientific Computation | #18 Fndatns of Computer Networking (Keshav F17) | 700 |
CS 798 | Hardware/Software Systems | #19 Math Fnds of Comp. Ntwrking (Wong S13) | 700 |
CS 798 | HS Systems/ Sci & Symb Computing | #19 Math Fnds of Comp Networking (Wong W14) | 700 |
CS 798 | Systems/ Scientific Computation | #19 Math Fnds of Comp. Ntwrking (Keshav F11) | 700 |
CS 798 | Databases / Algorithms | #20 Advanced Logic in Comp. Sci. | 700 |
CS 798 | Artificial Intelligence | #24 Multiagent Systems | 700 |
CS 798 | Algorithms & Complexity | #29 Logic for Computer sceince | 700 |
CS 798 | Artificial Intelligence | #28 Theoret. Found. of Clustering | 700 |
CS 798 | Programming Languages | #33 Functional Programming Lang Semantics | 700 |
CS 798 | Artificial Intelligence (F15)/ HCI / Health Informatics (S14) | #35 Games for Health | 700 |
CS 798 | Programming Languages | #36 Software Foundations | 700 |
CS 798 | Algorithms / Artificial Intelligence | Optimize for Machine Learning | 700 |
CS 798 | Algorithms | #37 Algorithmic Spectral Graph Theory | 700 |
CS 798 | Graphics / Sci Com | Advanced Applications - Monte Carlo Methods | 700 |
CS 798 | Algorithms | Convexity and Optimization | 700 |
CS 798 | Systems | Advanced Distributed Systems | 700 |
CS 798 | Artificial Intelligence | AI: Law, Ethics & Policy | 700 |
CS 798 | Artificial Intelligence/Computational Statistics (Fall 2017 only) | Machine Lrn'g & Society Impact | 700 |
CS 798 | Algorithms | Analysis of Boolean Functions | 700 |
CS 858 | Algorithms & Complexity | #1 Unconditionally Secure Cryptography (Stinson) | 800 |
CS 860 | Algorithms / Systems | #14 Search Engines, Design (Lopez-Ortiz) | 800 |
CS 898 | Artificial Intelligence | #7 Kernal Mthds for Pattern Analysis (Burkowski) | 800 |
CS 898 | Sci Symb /AI /Graphics | #14 Synergy Between CS and Biology | 800 |
CS 898 | Health Informatics | #5 Health Informatics Research | 800 |
CS 898 | Algorithms | #18 Kolgomorov Complexity and Applications | 800 |
CS 898 | No Area | Technological Solutions for Social Problems of Computers | 800 |
CS 898 | Artificial Intelligence | Deep Learning and its applications | 800 |
CS 9541 (UWO) | None (ConGese Program) | Game Design (S11) | 700 |
CS 9854 (UWO) | None (ConGese program) | Externalities in Computer Science | 800 |