Non-CS courses and special topic courses approved for course requirements

Table of non-CS courses

Course Area Course title/special topic # Level
ACC 770  credit, no area Finance I    (X-listed with ACSCI 970) 700
ACTSC 846 Scientific Computation Math of Financial Markets 600
ACTSCi 970 credit, no area Finance I 700
ACTSCI 971  credit, no area Finance 2 700
ACTSCI 974 Scientific Computation Financial Econometrics 800

Scientific Computation

Numerical Analysis                                          (held with CS 770, if full use AMATH 740) 700
AMATH 753 Scientific Computation Advanced Partial Differential Equations 700
AMATH 777 credit, no area Stochastic Processes in the Physical Sciences 700
AMATH 900 Bioinformatics # 20 Mathematical Biology 800
CM 740 Algorithms & Complexity Fundamentals of Optimization 700
CM 750 Scientific Computation Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations 700
CM 761 Scientific Computation Computational Inference (cross-listed with STAT 840) 600
CM 763 Computational Stats Statistical Learning - Classification 600
CM 764 Computational Stats Statistical Learning - Function Estimation 600
CM 770 Scientific Computation Numerical Analysis  (held with CS 770, use if full) 700
CO 602 Algorithms & Complexity Fundamentals of Optimization 700
CO 642 Only if supervisor requires for research Graph Theory 700
CO 644 Algorithms Algebraic Graph Theory 700
CO 650 Algorithms & Complexity Combinatorial Optimization 700
CO 652 Algorithms & Complexity Integer Programming 700
CO 663 Algorithms & Complexity Convex Optimization & Analysis 700
CO 664 Algorithms & Complexity Quadratic Programming 700
CO 666 Symbolic & Scientific Comp Continuous Optimization 700
CO 671 Scientific Computation Semidefinite Optimization 700
CO 685 Algorithms & Complexity Public Key Cryptography  700
CO 687 Algorithms & Complexity Applied Cryptography 600
CO 739 Algorithms & Complexity #15 Info Theory & Applications 700
CO 739 Algorithms & Complexity #23 Prob Mthd & Random Algorithm 700
CO 749 Algorithms & Complexity #4 Combinatorics of Finite Sets 700
CO 749 Algorithms & Complexity #5 Toplogical Methods In Combinatorics 700
CO 749 Algorithms & Complexity #6 Graph Colouring 700
CO 749 Algorithms & Complexity #11 Random Graph Theory 700
CO 750 Algorithms & Complexity Randomized Algorithms 700
CO 750 Algorithms & Complexity Approximation Algorithms 700
CO 754  Algorithms & Complexity Approximation Algorithms in CO 700
CO 759 Artificial Intelligence #1 Algorithmic Game Theory 700
CO 759 Algorithms & Complexity #4 Computational Discrete Optimization 700
CO 759 Computational Stats Deep Learning in Computational Discrete Optimization 700
CO 769 Artificial Intelligence / Sci Com Optimization for Big Data (Fall 2014) 700
CO 781 Algorithms & Complexity #3 Quantum Algorithms 800
CO 781 Quantum Computing #11 Recent Advances in Quantum Information 700
CO 789 Algorithms & Complexity Topics in Cryptography (Fall 2015) 700
CO 789 Algorithms & Complexity Topics in Cryptography: Lattice-based cryptography (Winter 2019) 700
CO 789 Algorithms & Complexity Topics in Cryptography: Cryptographic Protocols 700
COGSCI 600 Artificial Intelligence Seminar in Cognitive Science 800
ECE 602 Algorithms & Complexity Introduction to optimization 700
ECE 604 no area Stochastic Processes 700
ECE 605 Algorithms & Complexity Queueing Systems 700
ECE 610 Systems & Networking

Broadband Communication Networks

Antirequisite:  CS 656

ECE 611 no area Digital Communications 700
ECE 612 Algorithms & Complexity Information Theory 700
ECE 613 Scientific Computation Image Processing and Visual Communication 700
ECE 628 Systems & Networking Computer Network Security 700
ECE 650 Software Engineering Methods and Tools for Software Engineering 600
ECE 651 Software Engineering Foundations of Software Engineering 600
ECE 652 Software Engineering Safety-critical Real-time Software 700
ECE 653 Software Engineering Software Test/Qual Assur/Maint 600
ECE 657A Databases Data and Knowledge Modeling and Analysis 600
ECE 658 Software Engineering Component Based Software 600
ECE 659 Hardware & Software Systems Intelligent Sensors and Wireless Sensor Networks 700
ECE 668 no area Distribution System Engineering 700
ECE 682 Scientific Computation Multivariable Control Systems 600
ECE 686 Scientific Computation Filtering & Control of Stochastic Linear Systems 600
ECE 700 Algorithms & Complexity Game Theory with Eng App 600
ECE 700 Algorithms & Complexity # 2 Introduction to Optimization 700
ECE 710 Algorithms & Complexity #4  Sequence Design and Cryptography 700
ECE 710 Sci Com #13 Image Processing & Visual Communications 700
ECE 710 Software Engineering #2 Software Reliability Engineering 700
ECE 710 Hardware & Software Systems Topics Commun & Inform Theory 700
ECE 720 Software Engineering #5 Cyber-Physical Ssytems 800
ECE 720 Hardware & Software Systems #6 FPGA Based ReconFigurable Comp 700
ECE 750 Software Engineering Automated Program Verification 700
ECE 750 Systems & Networking #5 Dist.& Ntwrk Centric Comp 700
ECE 750 SE / PLG / Sci Com #9 Generative Software Development 700
ECE 750 Hardware & Software Systems #10 Distributed Systems 700
ECE 750 Computational Stats #17 Data & Knowledge Modelling & Analysis  700
ECE 750 Programming Languages #20 Static Analysis for Soft Eng 800
ECE 750 Hardware & Software Systems #21 Intelligent Sensors & Sensor Networks 700
ECE 750 Software Engineering

#24 Bug Detection & Tolerance  

-- replaced by ECE 754 (below)

ECE 750 Artificial Intelligence #16 Tools of Intelligent Systems 700
ECE 750 Sci Com #26 Methods & Tools for Software Eng 700
ECE 750 Software Engineering/ Programming Lang #28 Computer Aided Reasoning 700
ECE 750 Artificial Intelligence #36 Foundations of Multi-agent systems 600
ECE 754 Software Engineering Software Bug Detection & Tolerance 800
ECE 755 Software Engineering/ Hardware & Software Systems Safety-critical Real-time Embedded Software 700
ECE 668 Hardware & Software Systems Distribution System Engineering 700
ECE 780 Artificial Intelligence #8 Motion Coord'n & Planning 700
ENGL 791 Graphics & User Interfaces Professional Writing (must incl. programming)  700
ENGL 795 Artificial Intelligence Ontologies for Humanities 600
MSCI 601 Graphics & User interfaces Research Methods in the Mgmt Sciences 700
MSCI 641 Artificial Intelligence Text Analytics 800
MSCI 700 Artificial Intelligence #33 Game Theory & Recent Applications 700
MSCI 720 Databases #11 Information Retrieval Systems 600
MSCI 720 Graphics & User Interfaces #27 Serious and Persuasive Games 700
MSCI 720 Databases #26 Data Warehousing and Analysis 700
MSCI 720 Databases #35 Educational Data Mining 700
MSCI 720 HCI #37 Topics in Info & Info Systems 700
MSCI 724 Artificial Intelligence Design and Analysis of Information Procurement Mechanisms 800
PHS 603 MHI elective Health Policy in Public Health 600
PHS 605 MHI elective Biostatistics In Public Health 600
PHS 663 NOT an MHI elective Human Development and Health 600
PHY 752 Bioinformatics Molecular Biophysics 600
PHY 771 Consult Director of Graduate Studies Special Lecture and Reading Course (various topics)  
PMATH 701 No area Graduate Algebra 700
PMATH 900 Scientific & Symbolic Computation #9 Grobner Bases 800
PMATH 930 Algorithms & Complexity  Topics in Logic - Computability Theory 700
PSYCH 784 Artificial Intelligence Human Neuroanatomy and Neuropathology 600
PYSCH 887   Research Methods in Industrial/Organizational 800
QIC 890 Quantum Information #4 Selected Advanced Topics in QI  (S11) 700
QIC 890 Quantum Information #8 Theory of Quantum Information   700
QIC 890 Quantum Information #10 Recent Advances in Quantum Information 700
STAT 830 Algorithms & Complexity Experimental Design 600
STAT 831 Artificial Intelligence Generalized Linear Models and Applications 600
STAT 833 Scientific & Symbolic Computation Stochastic Processes 700
STAT 840 Computational Stats Computational Inference (held with STAT 440) 600
STAT 841 Computational Stats Statistical Learning - Classification 600
STAT 842 Computational Stats Data Visualiation 600
STAT 844 Computational Stats Statistical Learning - Function Estimation 600
STAT 847 Computational Stats Exploratory Data Analysis (course only open to Data Science students) 600
STAT 850 Computational Stats Estimation and Hypothesis Testing 600
STAT 854 Computational Stats Sampling Theory and Practice 700
STAT 901 No area Theory of Probability 800
STAT 929 Computational Stats Time Series 1 800
STAT 931 Computational Stats

Causal Inference and Epidemiological Studies

STAT 938 (MHI elective) Statistical Consulting    800
STAT 940 Computational Stats Deep Learning 800
STAT 946 Artificial Intelligence #13 Kernels & Ensembles 800
STAT 946 Scientific Computation #14 Machine Learning 800
STAT 946 Computational Stats #30 Deep Learning 800
STAT 946 Computational Stats #37 Advanced Bayesian Computing 800
STAT 974 Scientific Computation Financial Econometrics 800
SYDE 642 Artificial Intelligence Cognitive Engineering Methods 600
SYDE 675 Computational Stats Pattern Recognition 700
SYDE 677 no area Computer Vision 700
SYDE 750 Bioinformatics #8 Simulating Neurobiological Systems 700
SYDE 770 Scientific Computation #4 Statistical Image Processing 700
SYDE 770 Scientific Computation #2 System Modelling & Design 700
SYDE 770 Computational Stats Deep Learning 700

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Table of CS special topic courses 

Course Area Course title/special topic # Level
CS 692 None Social Implications of Computation 600
CS 698 Artificial Intelligence Computational Vision 600
CS 698 Graphics/ User Interfaces Human-Computer Interaction 600
CS 698 Algorithms Complexity of Computational Problems 600
CS 698 Databases Big Data Infrastructure 600
CS 698 Artificial Intelligence #14 Computational Audio 600
CS 698 Computational Statistics Machine Learning 600
CS 698 Artificial Intelligence/Computational Statistics (Fall 2017 only) Intro to Machine Learning 600
CS 698 Artificial Intelligence Rhetoric, Argument and Machines 600
CS 758 Cryptography/Algorithms Cryptography/Network Security (Stinson) 700
CS 794 Computational Statistics / Scientific and Symbolic Computing Optimization for Data Science 700
CS 798 Systems / Algorithms #19 Math Fnds of Comp. Ntwrking (Wong W11) 700
CS 798 Systems/ Scientific Computation #18  Fndatns of Computer Networking (Keshav F17) 700
CS 798 Hardware/Software Systems  #19 Math Fnds of Comp. Ntwrking (Wong S13) 700
CS 798 HS Systems/ Sci & Symb Computing #19 Math Fnds of Comp Networking (Wong W14) 700
CS 798 Systems/ Scientific Computation #19 Math Fnds of Comp. Ntwrking (Keshav F11) 700
CS 798 Databases / Algorithms #20 Advanced Logic in Comp. Sci. 700
CS 798 Artificial Intelligence #24 Multiagent Systems 700
CS 798 Algorithms & Complexity #29 Logic for Computer sceince 700
CS 798 Artificial Intelligence #28 Theoret. Found. of Clustering 700
CS 798 Programming Languages #33 Functional Programming Lang Semantics 700
CS 798 Artificial Intelligence (F15)/ HCI / Health Informatics (S14) #35 Games for Health 700
CS 798 Programming Languages #36 Software Foundations 700
CS 798 Algorithms / Artificial Intelligence Optimize for Machine Learning 700
CS 798 Algorithms #37 Algorithmic Spectral Graph Theory 700
CS 798 Graphics / Sci Com Advanced Applications - Monte Carlo Methods 700
CS 798 Algorithms Convexity and Optimization 700
CS 798 Systems Advanced Distributed Systems 700
CS 798 Artificial Intelligence AI: Law, Ethics & Policy 700
CS 798 Artificial Intelligence/Computational Statistics (Fall 2017 only) Machine Lrn'g & Society Impact 700
CS 798 Algorithms Analysis of Boolean Functions 700
CS 858 Algorithms & Complexity #1 Unconditionally Secure Cryptography (Stinson) 800
CS 860 Algorithms / Systems #14 Search Engines, Design (Lopez-Ortiz) 800
CS 898 Artificial Intelligence #7 Kernal Mthds for Pattern Analysis (Burkowski) 800
CS 898 Sci Symb /AI /Graphics #14 Synergy Between CS and Biology 800
CS 898 Health Informatics #5 Health Informatics Research 800
CS 898 Algorithms #18 Kolgomorov Complexity and Applications 800
CS 898 No Area Technological Solutions for Social Problems of Computers 800
CS 898 Artificial Intelligence Deep Learning and its applications 800
CS 9541 (UWO) None (ConGese Program) Game Design (S11)  700
CS 9854 (UWO) None  (ConGese program) Externalities in Computer Science 800

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