Backlinks to XHier in CF Web (Search all webs)
Main.ctucker 27 Oct 2006 How to Authenticate a SAMBA Server as a Domain Member of the CSCF Active Directory. (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) This is an outline for how...
Main.ctucker 13 Feb 2007 How to Authenticate a SAMBA system as a member of the NEXUS Environment.(THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) This page outlines how to join a SAMBA...
Authenticating an Ubuntu machine using the CS Active Directory (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) Note that when setting up LDAP access for a host which happens to be running...
Main.ctucker 28 Oct 2005 Active Directory Password Synchronization with Core and Teaching Regions Complete deliberations concerning the development of password synchronization...
Thoughts Concerning The Planning Of A Campus Wide Directory Service (OBSOLETE) By Clayton Tucker Manager of CSCF`s Active Directory Forest, Forest Architect and...
The old account configuration using the xhier packages setpw This page is really just history... How do restricted shells get put into a passwd file Specifically...
Administration This section covers those areas that are (were) typically handled by the CSCF Administrator Accounts Accounts top level collection of notes...
Boutaba Networks Lab (Raouf Boutaba) Lab managers Sonia Waharte (spwaharte@cs), Brent Ishibashi (bkishiba@cs) Technology Background Raouf Boutaba`s Networks lab...
See also: ST#50784. Cool: we can use hyphens in userids now. Bad: inetd support is even worse than before (so rsh is difficult to get working). It looks like it really...
CSCF Software Notes Software Task Group Meetings and notes from the Campus SoftwareTaskForce Software Information CSCF Standards Standard Software Applications...
Maintenance of SSL Certificate This page lists links to a number of pages I presented elsewhere with different subsets expanded. In the collapsed form here, readers...
Certificate Updates Here we describe the procedures for updating SSL certificates for web servers (https), IMAP servers (imaps), and other similar services (Dawn/Adrian...
ST#53793 for the primary motivation for this. 1 Edit /etc/hosts on this box it was nearly empty, guess it never got updated. The host`s idea of its own IP...
Course Account SSH Keys: CSCF Administration We use ssh and public keys to provide access to course accounts. We have deployed an automated tool to propagate ssh keys...
MikePatterson 27 Jan 2005 First Meeting 22 April 2004, 1245, MC4019 Present: Walter, Guoxiang, Fraser, MikeP, Lawrence, Dave, Patrick Minutes: Lawrence (with supplements...
2004/08/20 1330 1430h Attendance: MikePatterson, Dave Gawley, Guoxiang Shen, LawrenceFolland, Fraser Gunn, Walter Tautz Regrets: Phil Beldowski, Patrick...
08 March 2005 Agenda: 0 Mirror update (DanielAllen) 0 Printing update (MikePatterson) LinuxPrintingIssues 0 Slow gradpc`s (MikePatterson) 0 Student...
January `06 Meeting Meeting: 1pm 2pm. Present: Daniel, Dave, Guoxiang, Patrick, Walter, Mike, Christopher. Agenda Ubuntu 5.10 arch masters amd64 x...
June `06 Meeting Date: 14 June 2006. Meeting: 3:30pm 4:30pm Present: Daniel, Mike, Phil, Walter. Agenda decommissioning debian30.math by the end of the month...
Linux Working Group Meeting Minutes 2008/06/02 Attendance Mike Patterson, Mike Gore, Walter Tautz, Lawrence Folland, Phil Beldowski, Dave Gawley Agenda items...
Linux Working Group meeting notes 2010/01/29 Meeting Date Friday January 29th, 2pm in DC 2314 Attendees DawnKeenan, DaveGawley, FraserGunn, MikeGore...
Linux Working Group Agenda Meeting Date Friday February 12th, 2pm in DC 2314 Attendees Dawn Keenan, Guoxiang Shen, Stephen Nickerson, Fraser Gunn, Lawrence...
Linux Working Group Agenda Meeting Date Friday February 26th, 2pm in DC 3540 Attendees Dawn Keenan, Lawrence Folland, Guoxiang Shen, Fraser Gunn, Dave...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 11 02 Invitees Attendees Adrian, Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 11 18 Invitees Attendees ldpaniak, a2brenna, lfolland, dlgawley, nfish, fhgunn, omnafees, gxshen, tlichty...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 12 01 Invitees Attendees Adrian, Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 12 15 Invitees Attendees Adrian, Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan...
Setup Ubuntu/Linux/Gnu frontends (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) (deprecated pre 2012, see CSCF Ubuntu Setup Information) A description of what a frontend is Strictly...
CSCF Specific notes Note 2008/04/22 (lfolland) Given that the entire CF Twiki is now CSCF specific, this page should be considered deprecated and these topics should...
CUPS in the School of Computer Science We describe the work being done to setup a CUPS server along with a Print Accounting system for the School of Computer Science...
Cyclades Configuration Database / Tool: Participants: DanielAllen, Dave Gawley; advice by FraserGunn. Demo at: As per Dave`s requirements...
Alex Roman`s notes on doing this... For Debian 3.1 (Sarge) Installation Notes Make SURE you have the LATEST BIOS update installed! Or else you might end up...
About Departing CSCF Employees When someone moves on, we need to remove references to them from various documentation, and access to various systems. Most of what...
Email Aliases System wide aliases are typically stored in /etc/aliases. However, in most xhier managed systems on campus, you cannot simply edit those files. Instead...
Mail Configuration on Debian Boxes Incoming Mail By convention, Linux hosts do not accept mail directly since the current xhiered sendmail package is not available...
FreeBSD FreeBSD in the Math Faculty of the University of Waterloo The FreeBSD Project: UsingFreebsdInCS I also will stash some things...
MikePatterson 16 Dec 2004 No user data, so just reboot and reinstall. Hrm, installer CD sees no hard disks. :( Some googling suggests that this is a Perc3/Di, but...
Xhier Certificate Location To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates Certificate...
accounts client command Run the accounts client program accounts client {hostname, eg:cs general.cs.private} ~/hostname date This will cause the desired changes...
Infrastructure Services This page includes CSCF developer`s notes, references and links on the School`s IT provided services Accounts/Authentication Management...
Installing Perl Modules as a non root user in one`s homedir The problem, as identified: there wasn`t an xhier package for a particular set of modules; and a user would...
Installing smalltalk.cs, 21 June 2004 Solaris 9 04/04 Solaris 8 was already installed told installer to go ahead and partitiona disk. Made a 2048MB swap slice...
Internal CSCF Projects SCS Email Plans 2021 Plans for deprecation of CS Mail Services CSCF website to WCMS Winter 2018 through Fall 2018...
Inventory Database: Field Descriptions These are the field definitions for the CSCF/MFCF Inventory System. See InventoryUserDocs for more information. Note: These...
Inventory Database: Requirements Document This document incorporates notes from 62833 (inventory database on cscf in php) and 47633 (wishlist, closed) as well as discussions...
Irix (SGI`s version of Unix) IRIX is not commonly used in CS, but there`s at least a couple of machines in everyday use. Some documentation on somewhat obscure topics...
The biggest problem we`ve had so far with Linux printing is how to authenticate. Our current lpd/lpr system make it very difficulty to reliably and easily allow the...
16 November 2004 Solaris 10 Security Peter Baer Galvin Solaris is evolving, but security is somewhat stable. Tutorial notes were based on build 63 (10 wasn`t...
This is an old document, dated 17 February 2005. Using pkgviews on a Mac OS system Mac OS 10.3.8, xcode 1.5 and Java 1.4.2 Developers installed. This requires a...
Maple Installation License IST license Page Support contacts: systems technology...
At some point in the recent past the following was done to xhier some linux boxes for the graphics lab. Preserved the disk partitions but remade the file...
Moving Email WARNING Be careful, especially if moving from mail.cs. I tried the command as listed below, and it assumed EVERYTHING in the file system of my home...
Mozex a Mozilla Extension to configure an external editor for textboxes 2009 8 13: apparently Mozex doesn`t work with `current` versions (ie v3) of Firefox, so...
MikePatterson 16 Dec 2004 Things we definitely need to do: 1 ensure all disks are in use 1 ensure user data integrity MikePatterson 20 Dec 2004 First, backup...
Guide for new CSCF employees Q and A What should I do on my first day? The first three items were modified from the Faculty AdministrationNotes. Keys : See your...
Rename newscg.cs to scg.cs Related ST item ST#51830 Current situation (Old machine) scg.math: mx mx102.cs cn scg.uwaterloo...
Notes taken in Isaac`s briefing to Dawn, Lawrence, Daniel, Stephen, and Adrian on 1 December, 2008. 1) Contact info 2) RT Queue items that should be done before he...
Odyssey Adapter Programs Introduction There are the following programs: cgigate : CGI that connects a remotely authenticated (or anonymous) user to their own...
Odyssey 3 Applications Note: This section is what I am working on right now. Not everything described here is yet operational. This is a UW specific system for creating...
XHier Package odyssey 3 apache The odyssey 3 apache carries configuration and data for our Apache 2 installations. Configuration ( ...
Odyssey 3 Apache Configuration This page explains the contents of /software/odyssey 3 apache/config . RCS ...
XHier Package odyssey 3 apache/data The data directory contains the following subdirectories: home ...
Enabling an Apache module in odyssey 3 apache In order to enable Apache modules for our Apache environment, there are additions made on the webserver (such as www...
Version Control The Subversion read write URL to the OdysseyApplications repository: svn ssh://odyssey@core/u/odyssey/svn/odyssey/ The JavaScript...
Standard Procedures for all Operating System Updates We`ll document some standard procedures, mostly just reminders, for some of the things we do when planning for...
Package Docs: Odyssey 2 This page is the starting point for documentation of the odyssey 2 package, maintained on capo . Configuration Options Odyssey configuration...
PhpMyAdmin PhpMyAdmin is available on capo via XHier. The current up to date version is the package phpMyAdmin 2.7.0 pl2 . The web link to our installation of...
PhpMyAdmin Documentation for Administrators You may wish to refer to the Project Page. The existing package is set up to allow customization of files in a simple but...
Planning and Directions in CSCF For an alternate view, see: This page will attempt to provide an overview of our services...
(From an email to Ashif) cleaning up plg2`s xh maintenance output Unless otherwise marked, packages are only on sun560. So, there are about 25 xhier packages installed...
MikeGore 19 Apr 2005 How to setup printers to print from UNIX for CSCF Notes: Please contact Walter Tautz, wtautz #64;, if you need a printer installed...
This page is set to be deleted because its content has been moved to Printing . If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete...
Programming Style Guidelines This page started life as a copy of man mfcf programming style (as of 2008/09/05). Updates are being made to reflect current practice...
Comparison of Printing Systems See PrintingProblems for an analysis of xhier Lpr and CUPS. Conventions within this Document A print system will be a software tool...
I ran out of space on /fsys1 recently. Adrian helped me out by installing the packages I wanted installed that had caused the problem. He put them on a different...
MikePatterson 15 Dec 2004 First, back up /fsys1/.software. cd /fsys1 tar zcf quadrasoftware.tgz .software/ mv quadrasoftware.tgz /u/mpatterson (note that /u was still...
Notes/Questions for Fraser Emergency network service if DHCP fails Is this something that we would be able to put under Common Errors and Troubleshooting? use...
Replacement of Setpw and Custom Login with Vendor software using Kerberos and LDAP Project Overview The goal of this project is to eliminate our dependence on a custom...
MikePatterson 17 Dec 2004 I worked on this while trying to satisfy CS ST#41651. First, one needs to disable the vendor apache server. You can do it like this: /etc...
Standardized Administration Tools (SAT) Accounts Management Requirements Proposed Requirements Immediate Implementation Database The database relies on three...
SCS CSCF Infrastructure Group (CSI) Ubuntu 16.04 Standards Project (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) Table of Contents Project Objective: Purpose CSCF Infrastructure group...
Apache Certificate Authority File Apache Certificate Authority File The Apache Certificate Authority File /software/sslCerts 1/config/certs/cacert.pem is a...
PLG have wanted sarge for some time now. Intent: we want to make the procedure for re installing a PLG machine to be as similar to the usual gradpc way as possible...
Sendmail Configuration (in the CSCF Xhier context) This will contain information about how to configure server and client machines which use versions of the sendmail...
Sendmail Client Machine Configuration (in the CSCF Xhier Context) Any machine which does not accept SMTP connections and uses another machine as a mail hub is considered...
General Sendmail Configuration (in the CSCF Xhier Context) In general a software package named sendmail will reside under /software/sendmail (which will be a symbolic...
Sendmail Server Configuration (in the CSCF Xhier Context) Files of interest are: /.software/regional/sendmail 8.13/config/regional/options /.software/local...
Sendmail Server Greylist Configuration (in the CSCF Xhier Context) File of interest is: /.software/regional/sendmail 8.13/config/regional/greylist.conf In both...
DanielAllen Monday 26 Sep 2005 Step by Step Setting Up New Ubuntu Arch Masters (64/32 bit) This document assumes familiarity with xhiering process; might want to...
We started out with awk.cs. 1 Partitioning scheme (some machines may vary!): hda3 / ext3 5gb hda4 /fsys1 ext3 3gb mount but do not format...
Setting up PLG Lab PCs with Ubuntu The following assumes that the PC being setup is called `scspc187.cs` Prepatory steps We started out with awk.cs and then proceeded...
MikeGore 19 Apr 2005 How to setup printers to print from UNIX for CSCF Notes: Please contact Walter Tautz, wtautz #64;, if you need a printer installed...
Sharing (Critical) Information There are several things in common in the approaches taken for critical situations and ongoing work; both of which can affect our clients...
Ganked originally from here. Files to edit/change hostname manually 1 /etc/hosts 1 /etc/nodename 1 /etc/hostname.xxn (xxn network interface, such...
Solaris 8 Installation Notes, revised Introduction These are Robyn`s modifications to the notes supplied by Mike Patterson at this page. Robyn`s comments are in bold...
Opensource software for Solaris (OBSOLETE) Introduction The setup is based on Consider the setup in CS to be BETA. We have setup at core...
Giant Sponsors Database Historical Documentation Page Most readers who end up here should go straight to SponsorsDataAccountsDocumentationBigPruned instead. Perhaps...
Giant Sponsors Database Historical Documentation Page (Pruned) Working from SponsorsDataAccountsDocumentationBig as a start, we attempt to indicate sections which...
Raw Sponsors Data Accounts Documentation This no longer works well. (at all) Perhaps see... SponsorsDataAccountsDocumentationBig SponsorsDataAccountsDocumentationBigPruned...
Supporting Information for the AODA Analysis This page is intended to give more specific details about our findings related to the AODA. Information may be added here...
MikePatterson 16 Dec 2004 Like QuadraSargeUpgrade, but tumbo has two disks. So we`ll RAID them together if we can nope, we can`t. We`ll also back up ssh keys first...
TwoFactor Authentication Service (Needs Updating) Purpose The Two Factor Authentication service is a secure authentication service intended for computing support...
Renewal or Replacement of the MFCF/CSCF Two factor Authentication System (SecurID) (This page is Obsolete Do Not Migrate) Motivation As of June 1st 2005, we are...
Using Ubuntu in the School of Computer Science, at the University of Waterloo. (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) CSLinuxWorkingGroup meeting notes, mailing list info...
Xhier and Ubuntu Linux How well does xhier work with Ubuntu Linux? I took a machine, williams.cscf , running Warty Warthog and xhiered it from debian31.cscf . The...
Howto for Installing Xhier onto ubuntu Supplement for Ray`s solaris specific install howto. (
Notes from upgrading curumin 14 April 2004 per Robyn`s notes, but he wrote a script called xh os upgrade (very very crude). This script does xh packages into a file...
Notes from upgrading curupira, 26 April 2004 Start time 0955 Ran xh os upgrade b in ~mpatters/upgrade curupira 21# cp /tmp/xos 1403811/pkgs.sort.ed . curupira...
This is a result of ST#51092. Gladimir Baranoski and Justin Wan needed to be able to build against various OpenGL libraries on their IRIX machines. Initially, the...
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 2004 11:53:21 0400 From: Nancy Day To: Mike Patterson Subject: today`s meeting Hi Mike I should have sent this earlier, but here are the big items...
WatForm Meeting Minutes 19 August 0930 1030 Present: (CSCF) Mike Patterson, Lawrence Folland, (WatForm) Jo Atlee, Nancy Day, Mark Aagaard Nancy gave a quick overview...
Meeting 4 May 2005 started 1300 ended 1345 Present: Nancy Day, MikePatterson, LawrenceFolland Mark would like to upgrade chaco (workstation here) and `rainylake`...
Watform Ubuntu Migration In 2009, we met with the Watform group and agreed to begin a migration of their existing server configuration into a set of Ubuntu servers...
Web File Locations The www.cs web server is part of the core.cs region. For most purposes, work on the web can be done from any machine in the Core Region. The...
CF Home for CSCF technical notes Welcome to the home of TWiki.CF . This is a web based collaboration area for CSCF. Anything that belonged in http://www.math...
Web Related Hosts DRAFT ...
Information in this area is meant for use by CSCF staff and is not official documentation, but anybody who is interested is welcome to use it if they find it useful...
Statistics for CF Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and...
Why Xhier? Why do we want xhier on FreeBSD? BSD has many strengths, one of which is its packaging/ports system. Why replace that with something else? Can`t...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it is extremely outdated. Content talks about companies that haven`t existed for years. If you believe it should be...
Xhier Introduction for New Users README First This page will endavor to collect and put into context the best introductory information about xhier for new users...
NetBSD`s pkgsrc has been ported to many operating systems we care about Darwin (Mac OS X), IRIX, Linux, Solaris, the other BSDs, and more. Can we integrate it with...
Xhier Documentation Xhier documentation on xhiering Solaris machine LawrenceFolland, MikePatterson 21 Feb 2005 xhier.pdf: xhier man pages in PDF...
The Art of Xhier and Web Page Maintenance Within our web sites (www.cs and www.math) there are many pages that should not be modified on the local web server. These...
Xhier How To document Getting Started Documents man xhier will lead you to other useful manpages about generalities man xhier package structure man...
From: Jeff Voskamp Subject: Re: porting xhier to new architecture Date: Mon, 04 Oct 2004 15:53:43 0400 Mailer: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en US; rv...
Herewith are my notes on my attempts to port xhier to FreeBSD. 26 August 2004 Start with a vmware machine to test things on. Set it up on williams.cscf and...
MikePatterson 13 Oct 2004 New machine, I scooped a dual P3 from Phil. I had started noting what I did in XhierOnFreeBSD, but the hard disk barfed and the previous...
MikePatterson 14 Mar 2005 scrub the existing software tree ( rm r /{vendor,xhbin} , clear out /fsys1/.software , recreate links, etc). Set capo`s access rights...
So we started again. Dave lied to debian30 and told it that it`s the archmaster for freebsd5. Try just a plain xh first time. Dave found the same stuff I did. Dave...
Meeting time 6 April, 2005, 1430h 1600h Initial notes by DanielAllen 07 Apr 2005 Today Dave showed us the draft of his new script to automate ray`s instructions...
Meeting time Tuesday, 7 June 2005, 1330h 1430h Initial notes by DanielAllen Present: Dave Gawley, DanielAllen, Ray Butterworth, and Steven Nickerson. Since two of...
07 March 2005 meeting start 1300h finish 1345h Present: LawrenceFolland, DanielAllen, MikePatterson, Dave Gawley, Guoxiang Shen, Steve Nickerson, Ray Butterworth...
Meeting time Monday, 16 May 2005, 1400h 1500h Initial notes by DanielAllen Present: Dave Gawley, Ray Butterworth, MikePatterson, DanielAllen, Chris Calzonetti,...
21 February 2005 Present: Guoxiang Shen, David Gawley, DanielAllen, MikePatterson, ChristopherCalzonetti, LawrenceFolland. We`re interested in xhiering several new...
Meeting time Tuesday, 24 May 2005, 1300h 1500h Initial notes by DanielAllen Present: Dave Gawley, Jim Johnson, DanielAllen, Chris Calzonetti Dave expanded upon the...
Meeting time 28 February 2005, 1300h 1430h Initial notes by: MikePatterson 28 Feb 2005. Present: Dave Gawley, Ray Butterworth, LawrenceFolland, Steve Nickerson...
Meeting time Tuesday, 31 May 2005, 1300h 1500h Initial notes by DanielAllen Present: Dave Gawley, MikePatterson, Steven Nickerson, DanielAllen, Chris Calzonetti...
Questions and Answers This wiki is about any question that involves either Xhier itself or any package. What updates /etc/hosts and /etc/networks ? Answer: The...
Xhier Renumber/Rename a machine See also ChangeXhierIrixHostname. ST#54572 is the primary motivation for this. Xhier steps Look in /software/xhier/data/access...
Xhier on a Solaris machine There are many notes out there for working with Xhier. Here we try to gather some of those notes specifically for setting up a new Solaris...
MikePatterson 25 Jan 2005 SpamAssassin talks about using mailservices to do all filtering. But a research group could be in a situation where it wants two versions...
This was done circa February 2004 by MikePatterson. go to capo suw cd /usr/source looking at a few other packages (mutt, gcc tools), I did: mkdir httperf 0.8 cd httperf...
Number of topics: 143