Difference: AdrianPepperSandbox (1 vs. 14)

Revision 142010-11-08 - AdrianPepper

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="Main.AdrianPepper"

-- AdrianPepper - 10 Oct 2006

Revision 132010-08-17 - AdrianPepper

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="Main.AdrianPepper"
Line: 6 to 6
  Created using my PDA.

  Try to delete pages by including a delete call...

Revision 122010-03-13 - AdrianPepper

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="Main.AdrianPepper"
Line: 155 to 155
Line: 168 to 168
Leave the following for gxs for now...

Leave the following for gxs for now...
(Note this is a page which does not call twikiman)

Leave the following for gxs for now...


// Example of what we need to generate (for now) (minus !)

// Following can be seen in browser View Source for verification
%URLPARAM{"page"}% == 
%URLPARAM{"pagelist"}% == 
%URLPARAM{"section"}% == 
%URLPARAM{"package"}% == 
%URLPARAM{"host"}% == 
// The next peculiar "Set" line needs to be processed by twiki
//  but we don't want it in our output.
// Note variables should not be CF.WikiWords

This will probably never be made to work again. For now, you can look to see if the topic referenced is in SponsorsDataAccountsDocumentationBig.

Perhaps SponsorsDataAccountsDocumentationBig# or SponsorsDataAccountsDocumentationBig#_command

<-- Uncomment following for debugging -->
<-- %MANURL% -->


    Warning: Can't find topic CF.MANURL 

This will probably never be made to work again. For now, you can look to see if the topic referenced is in SponsorsDataAccountsDocumentationBig.

-- Man Page retrieval template page by AdrianPepper - 26 Feb 2010 / 19 Apr 2013

Warning: Can't find topic TestNewSandbox.Url2

Warning: Can't find topic TestNewSandbox.Url3
X * Set Url2 = http://www.cs.uwaterloo.ca/~arpepper/twikiman/twikiman?page=lc %INCLUDE{%Url2%}%
Warning: Can't find topic TestNewSandbox.Url4

Revision 112010-03-13 - AdrianPepper

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="Main.AdrianPepper"
Line: 168 to 168
Leave the following for gxs for now...
Line: 178 to 181
This site does not allow %INCLUDE% of URLs
// Example of what we need to generate (for now) (minus !)

// Following can be seen in browser View Source for verification
%URLPARAM{"page"}% == 
%URLPARAM{"pagelist"}% == 
%URLPARAM{"section"}% == 
%URLPARAM{"package"}% == 
%URLPARAM{"host"}% == 
// The next peculiar "Set" line needs to be processed by twiki
//  but we don't want it in our output.
// Note variables should not be CF.WikiWords

This will probably never be made to work again. For now, you can look to see if the topic referenced is in SponsorsDataAccountsDocumentationBig.

Perhaps SponsorsDataAccountsDocumentationBig# or SponsorsDataAccountsDocumentationBig#_command

<-- Uncomment following for debugging -->
<-- %MANURL% -->


    Warning: Can't find topic CF.MANURL 

This will probably never be made to work again. For now, you can look to see if the topic referenced is in SponsorsDataAccountsDocumentationBig.

-- Man Page retrieval template page by AdrianPepper - 26 Feb 2010 / 19 Apr 2013

  Warning: Can't find topic TestNewSandbox.Url2

Revision 102010-03-11 - AdrianPepper

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="Main.AdrianPepper"
Line: 205 to 205
  Warning: Can't find topic Main.arpepper
Conclusion: https: is not recognized as a protocol.

Revision 92010-03-11 - AdrianPepper

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="Main.AdrianPepper"
Line: 193 to 193
  %INCLUDE{!http://www.cs.uwaterloo.ca/}% did actually work
A restriction seems to be that included CGIs cannot come from same server as twiki runs on (ie. httpS://www.cs.uwaterloo.ca/

_Actually, it seems all https URLs will fail, although http ones work for some reason._

  • Set Url6a = htt
  • set Url6b = ps://www.cs.uwaterloo.ca/cscf/internal/request/DisplayRequest?serial_num=71533

This site does not allow %INCLUDE% of URLs

Warning: Can't find topic Main.arpepper

Revision 82010-03-05 - AdrianPepper

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="Main.AdrianPepper"
Line: 80 to 80

Now make sure I've removed them all...

Wow, this first time I missed...

Note that if you correct the references before moving to Trash, they will be corrected to refer to Trash. That is, unless you uncheck the appropriate check box. So that's what you probably want to do.

Discovered via search a few I'd neglected to retain in my page...


Revision 72010-03-04 - AdrianPepper

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="Main.AdrianPepper"
 -- AdrianPepper - 10 Oct 2006

Created using my PDA.

Line: 7 to 9
  Try to delete pages by including a delete call...
You cannot %INCLUDE% a delete call to delete pages, but at least you can make a menu of pages you want to delete...
 E.g. Man5Accounts_devEquipment
<-- Manpage converted by man2html 3.0.1 -->


	  sponsors - the accounts-master package's sponsor database



	  The  sponsors  database  is  typically  stored  in a several
	  files, one per sponsor,  in  several  directories,  one  per

	  Blank lines, and those beginning with a are ignored.

	  Lines  ending with a backslash, are considered to be contin-
	  ued on the following line as if it were  part  of  the  same
	  line.  (Ensure that the backslash really is the last charac-
	  ter on the line and is not followed by a space.)

	  In most cases the backslash isn't  required,  as  lines  may
	  also  be  continued by indenting the continuation lines with
	  tabs or spaces.

	  Lines beginning with an equal sign  separate  sections.	By
	  convention, eight equal signs (i.e. are used before each new
	  billcode or class, and  four  equal  signs  (i.e.  are  used
	  before each resource.

	  Each  line  comprises  a  keyword, immediately followed by a
	  colon, and a list of space-separated arguments.  Lists  must
	  never  be  empty.  If a particular keyword does not apply or
	  its value is unknown, the line should be  omitted  (or  com-
	  mented out with a and not left with an empty list.

	  If the first character of a list is a character, the rest of
	  the line will be the name of a decommentable file  (relative
	  to the current file if the first character of the name isn't
	  The line will then behave as if the list were  the  contents
	  of  that  file.	In  general this feature shouldn't be used
	  except where necessary to automate  the  processing  of  the
	  Registrar's data.


	  The  data  is  stored  in  a logical hierarchy, each sponsor
	  being divided into several  billcodes,  each  billcode  into
	  several  classes,  and  each  class  into several resources.
	  Each billcode is assumed to  belong  to  the  most  recently
	  encountered  sponsor,  and resets all information associated
	  with any previously encountered billcodes.	Each  class  is
	  assumed to belong to the most recently encountered billcode,
	  and resets all information associated  with  any  previously
	  encountered  classes.  Each resource is assumed to belong to
	  the  most  recently  encountered  class,  and	resets	all
	  information	associated  with  any  previously  encountered

	  Values for each keyword are accumulated until an keyword  is
	  encountered,  at which point all accumulated data is applied
	  to the userids named on that line.

Sponsor Section:

	  This describes the person sponsoring everything that follows
	  to the end of the file.

	  Sponsor: Name of person

	  Department: Sponsor's UW department, if any

	  Address: Sponsor's paper mailing address, if any
			 Multiple lines may be used if required.

	  Email: Sponsor's e-mail address, if any

	  Billing: NoCharge
			 Sponsor is not charged for sponsored resources.

	  Billing: Automatic
			 Charges  are  automatically debited to sponsor's Finan-
			 cial Services account.

	  Statements: NoPaper
			 A paper statement is not mailed  to  the  sponsor  each

	  Statements: NoWeb
			 The  sponsor's  monthly  statement is not posted in our
			 web space.

	  Infrastructure: FirstConnection

	  Userids: userid:idnumber list
			 Multiple lines  may  be  used  if  required.	See  the
			 Resource subsubsubsection for details about the Userids

Billcode SubSection:

	  This defines the University billing code to which  all  fol-
	  lowing  classes, up to the end of the file or the next bill-
	  code, will be charged.  If  a  University  billcode  is  not
	  appropriate  (e.g.  resources  for internal use), some other
	  string may be used.  Check with the accountING package main-
	  tainer to see what is or is not appropriate.

	  Billcode: UW billcode or equivalent

Class SubSubSection:

	  This defines the the class to which all following resources,
	  up to the end of the file or the  next  class  or  billcode,
	  will be charged.

	  Class names must be unique (i.e. no class may have more than
	  one sponsor).  The reports produced by list_sponsors(8) will
	  begin on a new page for each class.

	  Class: Name of class
			 There  are  currently  no rules about what a class name
			 may be, but for the moment, to be consistent  with  the
			 old  software,  they should be of the form where is one
			 through five alphabetic characters,  is  three  digits,
			 and is zero or one alphabetic characters.

			 To  avoid  confusion  with  those classes automatically
			 generated from the Registrar's  data,  one  should  use
			 Dual-Case when creating new class names (e.g. Soft100).

	  Description: Description of class
			 A short description of the purpose of the class.

	  Usage: Primary use of the class
			 One of or The most significant value  is  as  it  means
			 that  usage  under  this  class should not count toward
			 active usage on a machine.  (e.g. for  a  staff  member
			 that must occasionally sign onto a researcher's machine
			 to maintain (but not use) its software.).

	  Subsidy: Dean's subsidy
			 or indicating whether or not the Dean's subsidy applies
			 to  resources  sponsored  by  this class (by default it

	  Instructors: Name of professor, class instructor(s), et al.
			 The human(s) responsible for the class.

	  Enrollment: Number of members
			 The estimated size of the class.

	  Load: low, moderate, high, or heavy
			 The estimated cpu load for the class.

	  Requirements: Extra requirements
			 A short list of extra requirements (e.g. special  soft-
			 ware) for the class.

	  Fee: Lab fee
			 The  lab  fee charge for one term.  Can be given as the
			 number of cents, or suffixed with or The  two  keywords
			 may be abbreviated by truncation.

	  MembershipStarts: Date to start
			 Any  following  membership lists will be ignored before
			 this date.

	  MembershipEnds: Date to end
			 Any following membership lists will  be  ignored  after
			 this  date.  If a start date is given, the end date may
			 be expressed relatively (e.g.

			 A list of userids that belong to this class.  Note that
			 they  will not automatically be assigned any resources;
			 that must be done by giving a value to an trigger.

Resource SubSubSubSection:

	  This defines a set of resources to be billed to the  current
	  class  under  the  current billcode for the current sponsor.
	  The first line must select a resource:

	  Computing: List of host names
			 This defines resources  for  computer  accounts  to  be
			 billed  to the current class under the current billcode
			 for the current sponsor.

	  Printing: List of printer queue names
			 This defines printer access to be billed to the current
			 class  under the current billcode for the current spon-

	  MailAlias: mail-alias
			 This defines a mail alias (e.g.  to be  billed  to  the
			 current  class  under the current billcode for the cur-
			 rent sponsor.  If the mail-alias is more than 7 charac-
			 ters  long,  it  must  also  include square brackets to
			 indicate allowable userid truncation.
			 (e.g.  generates 5 aliases,
			 but generates only one alias).

	  PPP: List of PPP names
			 This defines PPP access to be  billed  to  the  current
			 class  under the current billcode for the current spon-

	  Any following lines define the  attributes  associated  with
	  the resource, which is allocated whenever a

	  AssignTo: List of userids

	  line  is encountered.  More than one line may be given for a
	  resource, typically either to avoid long lines or to apply a
	  start or end date to some but not all users.

	  The  special  userid  means  all  userids defined in members
	  lists for this class.

	  For the mailalias resource, the given  userids  may  contain
	  at-signs,  and  other punctuation, including colons, and are
	  not checked for validity.

	  Otherwise, each userid should be immediately followed by  an
	  optional  the redundancy providing checking for incorrect or
	  misspelled userids.  In addition, if the userid (and id num-
	  ber)  is  on  a machine not in the standard userid namespace
	  (e.g. for accessing our printers), it should be followed  by
	  indicating  the  name  of  another machine where the account

	  To avoid entering the id number each time  the  same  userid
	  appears  for  the same sponsor, the id number may be omitted
	  without generating any warnings if the userid and id  number
	  are given in the list in the Sponsor section.

	  If a

	  IgnoreUserids: List of userids

	  is  in effect when a userid list is encountered, any entries
	  common to both lists will be ignored.	(This  is  currently
	  implemented only for the resource.

	  The following attributes are common to most resources.

	  Quota: Restrictions on the amount of the resource
			 For  PPP accounts it is not defined, for printers it is
			 a money limit (format is as described in the  field  in
			 the  subsubsection above), and for computer accounts it
			 restricts the amount of  disk  space.	Disk  space  is
			 assumed  to  be  in kilobytes, but may be suffixed with
			 with or to indicate kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes.
			 To  specify  a  quota  without limit, the abbreviatable
			 keyword may be used.

	  SponsorshipStarts: Date sponsorship takes effect
			 This is a date before  which  the  sponsorship  of  the
			 resource does not apply.

	  SponsorshipEnds: Date sponsorship ends
			 This  is  a  date  after  which  the sponsorship of the
			 resource no longer applies.  If a start date is  given,
			 the  end  date  may  be expressed relatively (e.g.  End
			 dates are used, rather than simply deleting  the  data,
			 because  the sponsorship information may be required by
			 the accountING software for several  months  after  the
			 resources  are no longer needed.  For the PPP resource,
			 the end date may instead be given  as  the  name  of  a
			 host.  In that case, the sponsorship of the resource is
			 considered to have ended when the user no longer has an
			 account on the specified host.

	  Address: IP-Address
			 This applies only to the PPP resource.  This causes the
			 resource to be assigned this fixed  IP  address  rather
			 than being assigned one arbitrarily each time a connec-
			 tion is made.

	  Groups: Group membership
			 This applies only to the computing resource, and  lists
			 unix groups of which the user should be a member.

	  Hosts: List of hosts
			 This  applies only to the mailalias resource, and lists
			 unix regions on which the alias should apply.

	  Account: Sponsoring account
			 This applies only to the printing resource.  If  speci-
			 fied,  the  single  account  name  that  will  be  used
			 (instead of the class name) as the field in the printer
			 quota  database.	(i.e. the value the must be supplied
			 when using

			 Note that this means that these account  names  are  in
			 the  same namespace as class names, and therefore along
			 with the class names should be unique.

Second Attempt At A Descripton:

	  The following is meant to represent the  tree  structure  of
	  the database.

		  Each file contains one sponsor:


		  ======== Each sponsor is divided into one or more billcodes:

		  Billcode1		...		Billcode		...		BillcodeN

		  ======== Each billcode is divided into one or more classes:

				Class1		  ...		Class		  ...		ClassN
				Description1			  Description			  DescriptionN

		  ==== Each class is divided into one or more resources:

		  Computing...  Printing...  MailAlias...  PPP1...
		  Starts		  Starts		 Starts		  Starts
		  Ends			 Ends			Ends			 Ends
		  Quota			Quota		  Hosts			Address
		  Groups		  Account

		  Each resource is divided into one or more lists of userids:

				  AssignTo1	...	AssignTo2	...	AssignToN

	  Each sponsor, billcode, class, or resource section overrides
	  all attributes defined by  previous  sections  of  the  same

	  Whenever  an  AssignTo  list  is  found  for a resource, all
	  attributes accumulated so far are assigned to each userid in
	  the list.

	  It  is  important  to  understand the difference between how
	  values are accumulated as described in the previous two sen-
	  tences.	The  Userid  list  does *not* reset any previously
	  defined values for the current resource.  So  for  instance,
	  if the file contained the sequence:

		  Computing: math watdragon
		  Quota: 100M

		  AssignTo: *MEMBERS*

		  SponsorshipStarts: 1996/01/01
		  SponsorshipEnds: +1Year
		  AssignTo: jdoe jsmith

		  SponsorshipStarts: 1996/06/06
		  AssignTo: fbaggins gabandabalf

	  The  fbaggins account would also inherit the 100M quota and,
	  perhaps more surprisingly, the January 1997 end date.

Files Used:

See Also:

	  get_all_sponsors(3w), list_sponsors(8).


	  Copyright (C) 1995,2006, MFCF, University of Waterloo.

Now go hog-wild... In the page SponsorsDataAccountsDocumentationRaw I saved (in a comment) the names of the following 54 pages I had semi-automatically created. So the following list of "links" will semi-automatically delete them. (Move them to Trash


Line: 421 to 96

This site does not allow %INCLUDE% of URLs
! Warning: Can't find topic !http://www/cs/uwaterloo/ca.WebHome did actually work

Revision 62010-02-26 - AdrianPepper

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="Main.AdrianPepper"
-- AdrianPepper - 10 Oct 2006

Created using my PDA.

Try to delete pages by including a delete call...

E.g. Man5Accounts_devEquipment

Line: 399 to 406
// Example of what we need to generate (for now) (minus !)

// Following can be seen in browser View Source for verification
%URLPARAM{"page"}% == 
%URLPARAM{"pagelist"}% == 
%URLPARAM{"section"}% == 
%URLPARAM{"package"}% == 
%URLPARAM{"host"}% == 
// The next peculiar "Set" line needs to be processed by twiki
//  but we don't want it in our output.
// Note variables should not be CF.WikiWords

This will probably never be made to work again. For now, you can look to see if the topic referenced is in SponsorsDataAccountsDocumentationBig.

Perhaps SponsorsDataAccountsDocumentationBig# or SponsorsDataAccountsDocumentationBig#_command

<-- Uncomment following for debugging -->
<-- %MANURL% -->


    Warning: Can't find topic CF.MANURL 

This will probably never be made to work again. For now, you can look to see if the topic referenced is in SponsorsDataAccountsDocumentationBig.

-- Man Page retrieval template page by AdrianPepper - 26 Feb 2010 / 19 Apr 2013


This site does not allow %INCLUDE% of URLs

Warning: Can't find topic TestNewSandbox.Url2

Warning: Can't find topic TestNewSandbox.Url3

Warning: Can't find topic TestNewSandbox.Url4

This site does not allow %INCLUDE% of URLs

Revision 52010-02-24 - AdrianPepper

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="Main.AdrianPepper"
-- AdrianPepper - 10 Oct 2006
Line: 399 to 399
Warning: Can't find topic TWiki.CF
// Example of what we need to generate (for now) (minus !)

// Following can be seen in browser View Source for verification
%URLPARAM{"page"}% == 
%URLPARAM{"pagelist"}% == 
%URLPARAM{"section"}% == 
%URLPARAM{"package"}% == 
%URLPARAM{"host"}% == 
// The next peculiar "Set" line needs to be processed by twiki
//  but we don't want it in our output.
// Note variables should not be CF.WikiWords

This will probably never be made to work again. For now, you can look to see if the topic referenced is in SponsorsDataAccountsDocumentationBig.

Perhaps SponsorsDataAccountsDocumentationBig# or SponsorsDataAccountsDocumentationBig#_command

<-- Uncomment following for debugging -->
<-- %MANURL% -->


    Warning: Can't find topic CF.MANURL 

This will probably never be made to work again. For now, you can look to see if the topic referenced is in SponsorsDataAccountsDocumentationBig.

-- Man Page retrieval template page by AdrianPepper - 26 Feb 2010 / 19 Apr 2013


Revision 42010-02-23 - AdrianPepper

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="Main.AdrianPepper"
-- AdrianPepper - 10 Oct 2006
Line: 399 to 399
Warning: Can't find topic TWiki.CF

Revision 32010-02-11 - AdrianPepper

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="Main.AdrianPepper"
-- AdrianPepper - 10 Oct 2006
Line: 11 to 11
<-- Manpage converted by man2html 3.0.1 -->





  sponsors - the accounts-master package's sponsor database










  The sponsors database is typically stored in a several files, one per sponsor, in several directories, one per department.
Line: 58 to 57

<-- Manpage converted by man2html 3.0.1 -->


	  sponsors - the accounts-master package's sponsor database



	  The  sponsors  database  is  typically  stored  in a several
	  files, one per sponsor,  in  several  directories,  one  per

	  Blank lines, and those beginning with a are ignored.

	  Lines  ending with a backslash, are considered to be contin-
	  ued on the following line as if it were  part  of  the  same
	  line.  (Ensure that the backslash really is the last charac-
	  ter on the line and is not followed by a space.)

	  In most cases the backslash isn't  required,  as  lines  may
	  also  be  continued by indenting the continuation lines with
	  tabs or spaces.

	  Lines beginning with an equal sign  separate  sections.	By
	  convention, eight equal signs (i.e. are used before each new
	  billcode or class, and  four  equal  signs  (i.e.  are  used
	  before each resource.

	  Each  line  comprises  a  keyword, immediately followed by a
	  colon, and a list of space-separated arguments.  Lists  must
	  never  be  empty.  If a particular keyword does not apply or
	  its value is unknown, the line should be  omitted  (or  com-
	  mented out with a and not left with an empty list.

	  If the first character of a list is a character, the rest of
	  the line will be the name of a decommentable file  (relative
	  to the current file if the first character of the name isn't
	  The line will then behave as if the list were  the  contents
	  of  that  file.	In  general this feature shouldn't be used
	  except where necessary to automate  the  processing  of  the
	  Registrar's data.




  The data is stored in a logical hierarchy, each sponsor being divided into several billcodes, each billcode into several classes, and each class into several resources.
Line: 129 to 77


Sponsor Section:


Sponsor Section:

  This describes the person sponsoring everything that follows to the end of the file.
Line: 166 to 114


Billcode SubSection:


Billcode SubSection:

  This defines the University billing code to which all fol- lowing classes, up to the end of the file or the next bill- code, will be charged. If a University billcode is not
Line: 178 to 126


Class SubSubSection:


Class SubSubSection:

  This defines the the class to which all following resources, up to the end of the file or the next class or billcode, will be charged.
Line: 247 to 195


Resource SubSubSubSection:


Resource SubSubSubSection:

  This defines a set of resources to be billed to the current class under the current billcode for the current sponsor. The first line must select a resource:
Line: 318 to 266
  Quota: Restrictions on the amount of the resource For PPP accounts it is not defined, for printers it is a money limit (format is as described in the field in
the subsubsection above), and for computer accounts it
  restricts the amount of disk space. Disk space is assumed to be in kilobytes, but may be suffixed with with or to indicate kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes.
Line: 368 to 317


Second Attempt At A Descripton:


Second Attempt At A Descripton:

  The following is meant to represent the tree structure of the database.
restricts the amount of disk space. Disk space is assumed to be in kilobytes, but may be suffixed with with or to indicate kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes. To specify a quota without limit, the abbreviatable keyword may be used.
SponsorshipStarts: Date sponsorship takes effect This is a date before which the sponsorship of the resource does not apply.
Each file contains one sponsor:
SponsorshipEnds: Date sponsorship ends This is a date after which the sponsorship of the resource no longer applies. If a start date is given, the end date may be expressed relatively (e.g. End dates are used, rather than simply deleting the data, because the sponsorship information may be required by the accountING software for several months after the resources are no longer needed. For the PPP resource, the end date may instead be given as the name of a host. In that case, the sponsorship of the resource is considered to have ended when the user no longer has an account on the specified host.
Sponsor: Department: Address: Email: Userids:
Address: IP-Address This applies only to the PPP resource. This causes the resource to be assigned this fixed IP address rather than being assigned one arbitrarily each time a connec- tion is made.
==== Each sponsor is divided into one or more billcodes:
Groups: Group membership This applies only to the computing resource, and lists unix groups of which the user should be a member.
Billcode1 ... Billcode ... BillcodeN
Hosts: List of hosts This applies only to the mailalias resource, and lists unix regions on which the alias should apply.
==== Each billcode is divided into one or more classes:
Account: Sponsoring account This applies only to the printing resource. If speci- fied, the single account name that will be used (instead of the class name) as the field in the printer quota database. (i.e. the value the must be supplied when using
Class1 ... Class ... ClassN Description1 Description DescriptionN
Note that this means that these account names are in the same namespace as class names, and therefore along with the class names should be unique.
== Each class is divided into one or more resources:

Computing... Printing... MailAlias... PPP1... Starts Starts Starts Starts Ends Ends Ends Ends Quota Quota Hosts Address Groups Account

Each resource is divided into one or more lists of userids:

AssignTo1 ... AssignTo2 ... AssignToN

Each sponsor, billcode, class, or resource section overrides all attributes defined by previous sections of the same type.

Whenever an AssignTo list is found for a resource, all attributes accumulated so far are assigned to each userid in the list.

It is important to understand the difference between how values are accumulated as described in the previous two sen- tences. The Userid list does not reset any previously defined values for the current resource. So for instance, if the file contained the sequence:

... Computing: math watdragon Quota: 100M


SponsorshipStarts: 1996/01/01 SponsorshipEnds: +1Year AssignTo: jdoe jsmith

SponsorshipStarts: 1996/06/06 AssignTo: fbaggins gabandabalf

The fbaggins account would also inherit the 100M quota and, perhaps more surprisingly, the January 1997 end date.



Files Used:


Files Used:


See Also:


See Also:

  get_all_sponsors(3w), list_sponsors(8).





  Copyright (C) 1995,2006, MFCF, University of Waterloo.


Man(1) output converted with man2html

Revision 22010-02-11 - AdrianPepper

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="Main.AdrianPepper"
-- AdrianPepper - 10 Oct 2006

Created using my PDA.

<-- Manpage converted by man2html 3.0.1 -->


	  sponsors - the accounts-master package's sponsor database



	  The  sponsors  database  is  typically  stored  in a several
	  files, one per sponsor,  in  several  directories,  one  per

	  Blank lines, and those beginning with a are ignored.

	  Lines  ending with a backslash, are considered to be contin-
	  ued on the following line as if it were  part  of  the  same
	  line.  (Ensure that the backslash really is the last charac-
	  ter on the line and is not followed by a space.)

	  In most cases the backslash isn't  required,  as  lines  may
	  also  be  continued by indenting the continuation lines with
	  tabs or spaces.

	  Lines beginning with an equal sign  separate  sections.	By
	  convention, eight equal signs (i.e. are used before each new
	  billcode or class, and  four  equal  signs  (i.e.  are  used
	  before each resource.

	  Each  line  comprises  a  keyword, immediately followed by a
	  colon, and a list of space-separated arguments.  Lists  must
	  never  be  empty.  If a particular keyword does not apply or
	  its value is unknown, the line should be  omitted  (or  com-
	  mented out with a and not left with an empty list.

	  If the first character of a list is a character, the rest of
	  the line will be the name of a decommentable file  (relative
	  to the current file if the first character of the name isn't
	  The line will then behave as if the list were  the  contents
	  of  that  file.	In  general this feature shouldn't be used
	  except where necessary to automate  the  processing  of  the
	  Registrar's data.

<-- Manpage converted by man2html 3.0.1 -->


	  sponsors - the accounts-master package's sponsor database



	  The  sponsors  database  is  typically  stored  in a several
	  files, one per sponsor,  in  several  directories,  one  per

	  Blank lines, and those beginning with a are ignored.

	  Lines  ending with a backslash, are considered to be contin-
	  ued on the following line as if it were  part  of  the  same
	  line.  (Ensure that the backslash really is the last charac-
	  ter on the line and is not followed by a space.)

	  In most cases the backslash isn't  required,  as  lines  may
	  also  be  continued by indenting the continuation lines with
	  tabs or spaces.

	  Lines beginning with an equal sign  separate  sections.	By
	  convention, eight equal signs (i.e. are used before each new
	  billcode or class, and  four  equal  signs  (i.e.  are  used
	  before each resource.

	  Each  line  comprises  a  keyword, immediately followed by a
	  colon, and a list of space-separated arguments.  Lists  must
	  never  be  empty.  If a particular keyword does not apply or
	  its value is unknown, the line should be  omitted  (or  com-
	  mented out with a and not left with an empty list.

	  If the first character of a list is a character, the rest of
	  the line will be the name of a decommentable file  (relative
	  to the current file if the first character of the name isn't
	  The line will then behave as if the list were  the  contents
	  of  that  file.	In  general this feature shouldn't be used
	  except where necessary to automate  the  processing  of  the
	  Registrar's data.


	  The  data  is  stored  in  a logical hierarchy, each sponsor
	  being divided into several  billcodes,  each  billcode  into
	  several  classes,  and  each  class  into several resources.
	  Each billcode is assumed to  belong  to  the  most  recently
	  encountered  sponsor,  and resets all information associated
	  with any previously encountered billcodes.	Each  class  is
	  assumed to belong to the most recently encountered billcode,
	  and resets all information associated  with  any  previously
	  encountered  classes.  Each resource is assumed to belong to
	  the  most  recently  encountered  class,  and	resets	all
	  information	associated  with  any  previously  encountered

	  Values for each keyword are accumulated until an keyword  is
	  encountered,  at which point all accumulated data is applied
	  to the userids named on that line.

Sponsor Section:

	  This describes the person sponsoring everything that follows
	  to the end of the file.

	  Sponsor: Name of person

	  Department: Sponsor's UW department, if any

	  Address: Sponsor's paper mailing address, if any
			 Multiple lines may be used if required.

	  Email: Sponsor's e-mail address, if any

	  Billing: NoCharge
			 Sponsor is not charged for sponsored resources.

	  Billing: Automatic
			 Charges  are  automatically debited to sponsor's Finan-
			 cial Services account.

	  Statements: NoPaper
			 A paper statement is not mailed  to  the  sponsor  each

	  Statements: NoWeb
			 The  sponsor's  monthly  statement is not posted in our
			 web space.

	  Infrastructure: FirstConnection

	  Userids: userid:idnumber list
			 Multiple lines  may  be  used  if  required.	See  the
			 Resource subsubsubsection for details about the Userids

Billcode SubSection:

	  This defines the University billing code to which  all  fol-
	  lowing  classes, up to the end of the file or the next bill-
	  code, will be charged.  If  a  University  billcode  is  not
	  appropriate  (e.g.  resources  for internal use), some other
	  string may be used.  Check with the accountING package main-
	  tainer to see what is or is not appropriate.

	  Billcode: UW billcode or equivalent

Class SubSubSection:

	  This defines the the class to which all following resources,
	  up to the end of the file or the  next  class  or  billcode,
	  will be charged.

	  Class names must be unique (i.e. no class may have more than
	  one sponsor).  The reports produced by list_sponsors(8) will
	  begin on a new page for each class.

	  Class: Name of class
			 There  are  currently  no rules about what a class name
			 may be, but for the moment, to be consistent  with  the
			 old  software,  they should be of the form where is one
			 through five alphabetic characters,  is  three  digits,
			 and is zero or one alphabetic characters.

			 To  avoid  confusion  with  those classes automatically
			 generated from the Registrar's  data,  one  should  use
			 Dual-Case when creating new class names (e.g. Soft100).

	  Description: Description of class
			 A short description of the purpose of the class.

	  Usage: Primary use of the class
			 One of or The most significant value  is  as  it  means
			 that  usage  under  this  class should not count toward
			 active usage on a machine.  (e.g. for  a  staff  member
			 that must occasionally sign onto a researcher's machine
			 to maintain (but not use) its software.).

	  Subsidy: Dean's subsidy
			 or indicating whether or not the Dean's subsidy applies
			 to  resources  sponsored  by  this class (by default it

	  Instructors: Name of professor, class instructor(s), et al.
			 The human(s) responsible for the class.

	  Enrollment: Number of members
			 The estimated size of the class.

	  Load: low, moderate, high, or heavy
			 The estimated cpu load for the class.

	  Requirements: Extra requirements
			 A short list of extra requirements (e.g. special  soft-
			 ware) for the class.

	  Fee: Lab fee
			 The  lab  fee charge for one term.  Can be given as the
			 number of cents, or suffixed with or The  two  keywords
			 may be abbreviated by truncation.

	  MembershipStarts: Date to start
			 Any  following  membership lists will be ignored before
			 this date.

	  MembershipEnds: Date to end
			 Any following membership lists will  be  ignored  after
			 this  date.  If a start date is given, the end date may
			 be expressed relatively (e.g.

			 A list of userids that belong to this class.  Note that
			 they  will not automatically be assigned any resources;
			 that must be done by giving a value to an trigger.

Resource SubSubSubSection:

	  This defines a set of resources to be billed to the  current
	  class  under  the  current billcode for the current sponsor.
	  The first line must select a resource:

	  Computing: List of host names
			 This defines resources  for  computer  accounts  to  be
			 billed  to the current class under the current billcode
			 for the current sponsor.

	  Printing: List of printer queue names
			 This defines printer access to be billed to the current
			 class  under the current billcode for the current spon-

	  MailAlias: mail-alias
			 This defines a mail alias (e.g.  to be  billed  to  the
			 current  class  under the current billcode for the cur-
			 rent sponsor.  If the mail-alias is more than 7 charac-
			 ters  long,  it  must  also  include square brackets to
			 indicate allowable userid truncation.
			 (e.g.  generates 5 aliases,
			 but generates only one alias).

	  PPP: List of PPP names
			 This defines PPP access to be  billed  to  the  current
			 class  under the current billcode for the current spon-

	  Any following lines define the  attributes  associated  with
	  the resource, which is allocated whenever a

	  AssignTo: List of userids

	  line  is encountered.  More than one line may be given for a
	  resource, typically either to avoid long lines or to apply a
	  start or end date to some but not all users.

	  The  special  userid  means  all  userids defined in members
	  lists for this class.

	  For the mailalias resource, the given  userids  may  contain
	  at-signs,  and  other punctuation, including colons, and are
	  not checked for validity.

	  Otherwise, each userid should be immediately followed by  an
	  optional  the redundancy providing checking for incorrect or
	  misspelled userids.  In addition, if the userid (and id num-
	  ber)  is  on  a machine not in the standard userid namespace
	  (e.g. for accessing our printers), it should be followed  by
	  indicating  the  name  of  another machine where the account

	  To avoid entering the id number each time  the  same  userid
	  appears  for  the same sponsor, the id number may be omitted
	  without generating any warnings if the userid and id  number
	  are given in the list in the Sponsor section.

	  If a

	  IgnoreUserids: List of userids

	  is  in effect when a userid list is encountered, any entries
	  common to both lists will be ignored.	(This  is  currently
	  implemented only for the resource.

	  The following attributes are common to most resources.

	  Quota: Restrictions on the amount of the resource
			 For  PPP accounts it is not defined, for printers it is
			 a money limit (format is as described in the  field  in
					restricts the amount of  disk  space.	Disk  space  is
			 assumed  to  be  in kilobytes, but may be suffixed with
			 with or to indicate kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes.
			 To  specify  a  quota  without limit, the abbreviatable
			 keyword may be used.

	  SponsorshipStarts: Date sponsorship takes effect
			 This is a date before  which  the  sponsorship  of  the
			 resource does not apply.

	  SponsorshipEnds: Date sponsorship ends
			 This  is  a  date  after  which  the sponsorship of the
			 resource no longer applies.  If a start date is  given,
			 the  end  date  may  be expressed relatively (e.g.  End
			 dates are used, rather than simply deleting  the  data,
			 because  the sponsorship information may be required by
			 the accountING software for several  months  after  the
			 resources  are no longer needed.  For the PPP resource,
			 the end date may instead be given  as  the  name  of  a
			 host.  In that case, the sponsorship of the resource is
			 considered to have ended when the user no longer has an
			 account on the specified host.

	  Address: IP-Address
			 This applies only to the PPP resource.  This causes the
			 resource to be assigned this fixed  IP  address  rather
			 than being assigned one arbitrarily each time a connec-
			 tion is made.

	  Groups: Group membership
			 This applies only to the computing resource, and  lists
			 unix groups of which the user should be a member.

	  Hosts: List of hosts
			 This  applies only to the mailalias resource, and lists
			 unix regions on which the alias should apply.

	  Account: Sponsoring account
			 This applies only to the printing resource.  If  speci-
			 fied,  the  single  account  name  that  will  be  used
			 (instead of the class name) as the field in the printer
			 quota  database.	(i.e. the value the must be supplied
			 when using

			 Note that this means that these account  names  are  in
			 the  same namespace as class names, and therefore along
			 with the class names should be unique.

Second Attempt At A Descripton:

	  The following is meant to represent the  tree  structure  of
	  the database.
			 restricts the amount of  disk  space.	Disk  space  is
			 assumed  to  be  in kilobytes, but may be suffixed with
			 with or to indicate kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes.
			 To  specify  a  quota  without limit, the abbreviatable
			 keyword may be used.

	  SponsorshipStarts: Date sponsorship takes effect
			 This is a date before  which  the  sponsorship  of  the
			 resource does not apply.

	  SponsorshipEnds: Date sponsorship ends
			 This  is  a  date  after  which  the sponsorship of the
			 resource no longer applies.  If a start date is  given,
			 the  end  date  may  be expressed relatively (e.g.  End
			 dates are used, rather than simply deleting  the  data,
			 because  the sponsorship information may be required by
			 the accountING software for several  months  after  the
			 resources  are no longer needed.  For the PPP resource,
			 the end date may instead be given  as  the  name  of  a
			 host.  In that case, the sponsorship of the resource is
			 considered to have ended when the user no longer has an
			 account on the specified host.

	  Address: IP-Address
			 This applies only to the PPP resource.  This causes the
			 resource to be assigned this fixed  IP  address  rather
			 than being assigned one arbitrarily each time a connec-
			 tion is made.

	  Groups: Group membership
			 This applies only to the computing resource, and  lists
			 unix groups of which the user should be a member.

	  Hosts: List of hosts
			 This  applies only to the mailalias resource, and lists
			 unix regions on which the alias should apply.

	  Account: Sponsoring account
			 This applies only to the printing resource.  If  speci-
			 fied,  the  single  account  name  that  will  be  used
			 (instead of the class name) as the field in the printer
			 quota  database.	(i.e. the value the must be supplied
			 when using

			 Note that this means that these account  names  are  in
			 the  same namespace as class names, and therefore along
			 with the class names should be unique.

Files Used:

See Also:

	  get_all_sponsors(3w), list_sponsors(8).


	  Copyright (C) 1995,2006, MFCF, University of Waterloo.

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-- AdrianPepper - 10 Oct 2006

Created using my PDA.

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