Distinguished Lecture Series

This annual series showcases outstanding researchers, scholars and thinkers in the field of computer science and related disciplines, and gives them a forum to present their views and ideas to students, faculty, and the interested public.

2024–2025 Distinguished Lecture Series

photo of Professor Adam Smith

Adam Smith, Professor
Departments of Computer Science
and Electrical and Computer Engineering

Boston University

Privacy, Learning, and Inference

Tuesday, April 30, 2024
10:00 a.m. • DC 1302

Professor John Stasko

John Stasko, Professor
School of Interactive Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology

Reflections on the Value of Visualization

Wednesday, May 22, 2024
10:00 a.m. • DC 1302

Vinton G. Cerf

Vinton G. Cerf
Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist

Internet: Past, Present and Future

Tuesday, June 11, 2024
2:30 p.m. •  J.G. Hagey Hall of the Humanities

photo of Nitin Saxena

Nitin Saxena, N. Rama Rao Chair Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
IIT Kanpur

The Border and its Demystification

Wednesday, June 19, 2024
10:30 a.m.
 • DC 1302

Quick Links

Lecture videos on YouTube

2024-2025 DLS (you are here)

  • Nitin Saxena
  • Vinton G. Cerf
  • John Stasko
  • Adam Smith

2022-2023 DLS

  • Pascal Van Hentenryck
  • Sheila McIlraith
  • Tim Roughgarden
  • Tanya Berger-Wolf
  • Sharad Goel
  • Earl T. Barr

2021-2022 DLS

  • Raquel Urtasun
  • Karl J. Friston
  • Milind Tambe
  • Kai Li
  • Tony Chan

2020-2021 DLS

  • Moshe Y. Vardi
  • Oren Etzioni
  • Mary Czerwinski
  • Laurie Williams
  • Leonard Kleinrock

2018-2019 DLS

  • Donald Knuth
  • Vitalik Buterin
  • Margo Seltzer
  • Barbara Liskov
  • Shafi Goldwasser

​2017-2018 DLS

  • Silvio Micali
  • James Demmel
  • Jeff Ullman
  • ​Jennifer Widom
  • ​Joe Mitchell

2016-2017 DLS

  • Gail Murphy
  • Ophir Frieder
  • Eric Horvitz
  • Daniel Alan Spielman

2015-2016 DLS

  • Margaret Martonosi
  • Mike Stonebraker
  • Tony Chan
  • Robert Tarjan
  • Susan Dumais
  • Kevin Leyton-Brown

2014-2015 DLS

  • Michael Zyda
  • Deborah Estrin
  • Harry Shum
  • Leslie Pack Kaelbling
  • Laurie Hendren

2013-2014 DLS

  • Frans Kaashoek
  • David Sankoff
  • Mary Lou Soffa
  • Pat Hanrahan
  • Maria Klawe

2012-2013 DLS

  • Zvi Galil
  • Hector Levesque
  • Jennifer Chayes
  • Renée Miller
  • Maneesh Agrawala
  • David Eppstein

2011-2012 DLS

  • Bruno Buchberger
  • Saul Greenberg
  • Ed Lazowska
  • Jeannette Wing
  • Cynthia Dwork

2010-2011 DLS

  • Stuart Feldman
  • Madhu Sudan
  • Susan Landau
  • Gilles Brassard
  • Joe Marks
  • Jon Kleinberg

2009-2010 DLS

  • Andy Yao
  • Paul Van Oorschot
  • Shafi Goldwasser
  • Adi Shamir
  • Fran Allen

2008-2009 DLS

  • Alan Kay
  • Eric Brewer
  • Anne Condon
  • Nancy Leveson
  • Tom Furness

2007-2008 DLS

  • David Patterson
  • Manuela Veloso
  • David D. Clark
  • Christos Papadimitriou

2006-2007 DLS

  • Kurt Mehlhorn
  • Ben Shneiderman
  • Barbara Liskov
  • Vint Cerf

2005-2006 DLS

  • Umesh Vazirani
  • Stephen Cook
  • Andrew Tanenbaum
  • Andries van Dam

2004-2005 DLS

  • Alfred Aho
  • Brian Kernighan
  • Jim Gray
  • Barbara Grosz
  • Jim Mitchell