Thursday, November 19, 2020

Professor N. Asokan receives best paper award from IEEE Transactions on Computers

Photo of Jian Liu, Wenting Li, Ghassan Karame and N Asokan

A paper coauthored by Professor and Cheriton Chair N. Asokan has received the 2019 Best Paper Award from IEEE Transactions on Computers by the IEEE Computer Society Publications Board.

Monday, November 16, 2020

mmTag, toward a battery-free 5G networking device

photo of postdoc researcher Mohammad Mazaheri and master’s student Alex Chen

The main difference between current wireless networks and 5G networks comes down to two words — speed and latency.

5G networks are expected to be up to 100 times faster than current networks. And at that speed, 5G drastically cuts latency when connecting to the network, the lag between instructing a computer to perform a task and its execution. One thing we know with certainty — by delivering mountains of data at warp speed wirelessly, the impact of 5G will be enormous and it will be felt across all sectors of society.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Strong showing at virtual Waterloo-local ICPC-style programming contest

Waterloo-local ICPC-style programming contest

The International Collegiate Programming Contest is the oldest, largest and most prestigious university-level algorithmic programming contest in the world. Each year, more than 50,000 students from some 100 countries compete in regional competitions to earn a spot at the world finals.

Monday, October 26, 2020

Intrinsic plasticity improves learning in deep neural networks and provides a plausible explanation of how brains operate at a local neuronal level

photo of Nolan Shaw and Professor Jeff Orchard

Fascinating research that lies between neuroscience and artificial intelligence

Artificial neural networks have come to dominate the field of artificial intelligence. From self-driving cars to devices that recognize handwriting to interactive chatbots to astonishingly accurate online translators, artificial neural networks lie at the core of a staggering array recent AI developments.

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