News archive - December 2017

Monday, December 18, 2017

IEEE elevates Professor Srinivasan Keshav to grade of Senior Member

Professor Srinivasan Keshav has been elevated to the grade of Senior Member by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, an honour bestowed to IEEE members who have made significant contributions to the profession.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Net neutrality: What is it and should Canadians be concerned?

Last Thursday, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission repealed net neutrality, the protections the Obama administration put in place on the Internet two years ago. For those that live in the United States, this decision would allow Internet service providers to block or throttle access to content and services, ending a long-time principle that all web traffic must be treated equally.

What does the repeal of net neutrality mean for Canadians? Unlike the United States, Canada has strong protections for net neutrality and support for the rules enjoy broad political support.  

Friday, December 1, 2017

Professor Raouf Boutaba, postdocs, graduate students and international colleagues win best paper award at CNSM 2017

Professor Raouf Boutaba, PhD students Shihabur Rahman Chowdhury and Nashid Shahriar, postdoctoral fellows Sara Ayoubi and Reaz Ahmed and colleagues Jeebak Mitra and Liu Liu from Huawei Technologies received the best paper award at the 13th International Conference on Network and Service Management for their paper titled “MULE: Multi-Layer Virtual Network Embedding.”

The prestigious recognition consists of a certificate and a €500 award.

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