Thursday, March 28, 2024

Florian Kerschbaum receives $2 million grant from ORF to enhance data security in fintech and manufacturing

photo of Professors Florian Kerschbaum and N. Asokan

Professor Florian Kerschbaum has been awarded $2 million through the Ontario Research Fund to develop innovative data science and machine learning techniques aimed at safeguarding Ontario’s financial technology and manufacturing sectors from inadvertent data leaks. The project, led by Professor Kerschbaum as principal investigator and Professor N. Asokan as co-principal investigator, will enhance data security in these critical industries.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

"A push-up to $6.5K USD": William Wang wins big at ETHDenver’s 2024 Hackathon

William Wang performing 10 push-ups as his teammate Xavier cheers him on during the duo's pitch for the closing ceremony

William Wang, a third-year undergraduate student, earned one of the top prizes at ETHDenver, held from February 23 to March 3, 2024.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Daniel Vogel and colleagues form Inria Associate Team to explore input for real-time interaction

Professor Daniel Vogel in Peter Russell Rock Garden

Professor Daniel Vogel at the Cheriton School of Computer Science, Professor Géry Casiez at France’s University of Lille, and researchers Mathieu Nancel and Sylvain Malacria at the Inria centre at the University of Lille, have been funded to create an Associate Team at Inria — France’s National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology.

Monday, March 25, 2024

Janani Sundaresan receives 2024 Faculty of Mathematics Graduate Research Excellence Award

photo of Janani Sundaresan and Sepehr Assadi

Janani Sundaresan, a PhD candidate at the Cheriton School of Computer Science, has been awarded a Faculty of Mathematics Graduate Research Excellence Award. Conferred annually to two graduate students who have authored or coauthored an outstanding research paper, the prestigious recognition comes with a prize of $5,000.

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Yaoliang Yu receives Ontario Early Researcher Award to develop pushing-forward deep generative models

photo of Professor Yaoliang Yu in Davis Centre

Professor Yaoliang Yu has been awarded $100,000 by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities Early Researcher Awards program to develop deep generative machine learning models. The Ministry’s amount is matched by an additional $50,000 from the University of Waterloo, bringing the total funding to $150,000 to support one PhD, two master’s, and a number of undergraduate students over five years.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Computer Science student Jessica Bohm receives Co-op Student of the Year award

composite image of CS student Jessica Bohm in front of CERN’s Large Hadron Collider

Jessica Bohm, a fourth-year Computer Science student, is one of six Waterloo students to receive a 2023 Co-op Student of the Year award.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Raouf Boutaba receives Award of Excellence in Graduate Supervision

photo of Professor Raouf Boutaba

Professor Raouf Boutaba, Director of the Cheriton School of Computer Science, has received the Award of Excellence in Graduate Supervision, a recognition conferred annually since 2005 by Waterloo’s Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs in collaboration with the Graduate Student Association.

Nomination for the award is based on submissions from former graduate students. In addition to the honour, recipients also receive a $1,000 cash prize.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

University Professor M. Tamer Özsu receives 2024 IEEE TCDE Education Award

photo of University Professor M. Tamer Özsu

University Professor M. Tamer Özsu has received the 2024 IEEE Technical Committee on Data Engineering Education Award for his fundamental contributions to data management and data science pedagogy. One of four prestigious annual awards conferred by IEEE TCDE, the Education Award recognizes database researchers who have made an impact on data engineering education, including impact on the next generation of data engineering practitioners and researchers.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Waterloo Blockchain growing by leaps and bounds

image depicting cryptocurrency

Fahim Ahmed is a computer science and finance student at Waterloo, and the president and co-founder of Waterloo Blockchain. But what feels like a direct path to success now, took him a while to find.

Fahim was only 12 years old when he started crypto-mining.

“I had seen people talking about it a lot online, so I set up my own hardware to do mining in my bedroom,” he recalls. “I just wanted money to buy video games!”