Monday, May 27, 2024

Alum Q&A: Tower discusses their Y Combinator and UWaterloo experience

Headshot of Tower's co-founders: CEO Adam Dorfman (left) and CTO Andy Zhang (right)

Tower, a startup with unique ties to the University of Waterloo, is revolutionizing the legal space.

Using the power of AI, they are helping in-house counsels triage and handle incoming legal requests automatically. Their company, which was founded in 2024, is further bolstered with recent seed funding from the Y Combinator (YC).

Monday, May 27, 2024

CS student sets sights on visionary tech

group photo of co-op students posing in front of a wall with AdHawk Microsystems's logo

Co-op students at the University of Waterloo are helping AdHawk Microsystems to develop technology that can advance eye health and behavioral research. 

Recently, the startup unveiled MindLink Air™ ─ glasses that use research-grade, camera-free eye-tracking technology to read its wearer’s eye health and cognitive state. This data provides insights that help the wearer adjust their daily routine to improve productivity and avoid mental fatigue.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Professor Jo Atlee receives the 2023 Lifetime Achievement Award in Computer Science

photo of Professor Jo Atlee in the Davis Centre

Cheriton School of Computer Science Professor Jo Atlee has been named a recipient of the 2023 CS-Can | Info-Can’s Lifetime Achievement Award in Computer Science.

Friday, May 17, 2024

CS student ‘turns up the heat’ in latest data science hackathon

Photo of winning team

Last week, students at the University of Waterloo were invited to participate in the GOODHack24 challenge. This event was held at Communitech in downtown Kitchener and was co-hosted by the City of Kitchener, Go Open Data (GOOD) and GreenHouse, a social incubator at United College.

This hackathon challenge offered a space for students to brainstorm, explore and develop innovative solutions at the intersection of open data, technology and local sustainable resources to support affected communities experiencing heat inequity.  

Friday, May 10, 2024

Marian Forster: UWaterloo Math’s ‘Hidden Figure’

a black and white photo of 4 people: 3 men. but the women's silhoutte is in pink. theyre surrounded by computers

“I decided to do mathematics out of defiance,” Marian Forster says, chuckling and leaning forward in her chair. “I pretty much got a message from society, my school, and my family that I was not very smart, and that I should take typing in Grade 10 and become a typist like my mother. And then that would be it.”

Friday, May 10, 2024

Jason Amri explores ‘Economic & Sustainable Futures’ in latest UWaterloo podcast

Black background with various shapes (circles, squares) in blue or purple. Black and white icon of Dominic Barton and Jason Amri

Jason Amri, a fourth-year Computer Science student, was featured in two episodes of the Global Futures podcast.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

The Art of Computing

Student playing a revised verison of snake: standing in front of a screen holding a controller. back is facing the camera

If Leonardo da Vinci, Pablo Picasso, and Vincent van Gogh lived in the 2020s how different would their art be? Would they use any computer science principles just like students taking CS 383: Computational Digital Art Studio?

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

CS-founded startups earn millions in seed funding

Photo of the winners in front of the y combinator sign. The background is an orange gradient colour

Eight current and former David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science students received $2.5M in funding from one of the world's biggest and most prestigious startup accelerators, the Y Combinator (YC).

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Meet the students that broke the vending machine story

Photo of a truck. The back is open showing the truck is hosting 2 M&M themed vending machines

“It won’t get any bigger than this,” says River Stanley, a fourth-year University of Waterloo student in the Computer Science program, as they reminisce about the story they uncovered with three fellow undergraduates that would go on to make national and international headlines. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Ruidi Wei and Ava Pun receive the Jessie W. H. Zou Memorial Awards

photo of the winners

Two Computer Science students won the Jessie W. H. Zou Memorial Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research.

This award was created by Computer Science Professor Ming Li and his family to honour his late wife Jessie Wenhui Zou. It recognizes excellence in undergraduate research and is valued at $1000.